BYrau mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx BYrau mh`lw pMjvw
bhairo mehalaa 5 ||
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:
ApxI dieAw kry so pwey ]
apanee dhaeiaa karae so paaeae ||
He alone obtains it, unto whom the Lord shows Mercy.
hir kw nwmu mMin vswey ]
har kaa naam mann vasaaeae ||
He enshrines the Name of the Lord in his mind.
swc sbdu ihrdy mn mwih ]
saach sabadh hiradhae man maahi ||
With the True Word of the Shabad in his heart and mind,
jnm jnm ky iklivK jwih ]1]
janam janam kae kilavikh jaahi ||1||
The sins of countless incarnations vanish. ||1||
rwm nwmu jIA ko AwDwru ]
raam naam jeea ko aadhhaar ||
The Lord's Name is the Support of the soul.
gurprswid jphu inq BweI qwir ley swgr sMswru ]1] rhwau ]
gur parasaadh japahu nith bhaaee thaar leae saagar sansaar ||1|| rehaao ||
By Guru's Grace, chant the Name continually, O Siblings of Destiny; It shall carry you across the world-ocean. ||1||Pause||
ijn kau iliKAw hir eyhu inDwnu ]
jin ko likhiaa har eaehu nidhhaan ||
Those who have this treasure of the Lord's Name written in their destiny,
sy jn drgh pwvih mwnu ]
sae jan dharageh paavehi maan ||
Those humble beings are honored in the Court of the Lord.
sUK shj Awnµd gux gwau ]
sookh sehaj aanandh gun gaao ||
Singing His Glorious Praises with peace, poise and bliss,
AwgY imlY inQwvy Qwau ]2]
aagai milai nithhaavae thhaao ||2||
Even the homeless obtain a home hereafter. ||2||
jugh jugµqir iehu qqu swru ]
jugeh juganthar eihu thath saar ||
Throughout the ages, this has been the essence of reality.
hir ismrxu swcw bIcwru ]
har simaran saachaa beechaar ||
Meditate in remembrance on the Lord, and contemplate the Truth.
ijsu liV lwie ley so lwgY ]
jis larr laae leae so laagai ||
He alone is attached to the hem of the Lord's robe, whom the Lord Himself attaches.
jnm jnm kw soieAw jwgY ]3]
janam janam kaa soeiaa jaagai ||3||
Asleep for countless incarnations, he now awakens. ||3||
qyry Bgq Bgqn kw Awip ]
thaerae bhagath bhagathan kaa aap ||
Your devotees belong to You, and You belong to Your devotees.
ApxI mihmw Awpy jwip ]
apanee mehimaa aapae jaap ||
You Yourself inspire them to chant Your Praises.
jIA jµq siB qyrY hwiQ ]
jeea janth sabh thaerai haathh ||
All beings and creatures are in Your Hands.
nwnk ky pRB sdhI swiQ ]4]16]29]
naanak kae prabh sadh hee saathh ||4||16||29||
Nanak's God is always with him. ||4||16||29||