mwrU mhlw 3 ]
aucwrx mwrU mh`lw qIjw
maaroo mehalaa 3 ||
Maaroo, Third Mehl:
Awpy Awpu aupwie aupMnw ]
aapae aap oupaae oupannaa ||
He Himself created Himself, and came into being.
sB mih vrqY eyku prCµnw ]
sabh mehi varathai eaek parashhannaa ||
The One Lord is pervading in all, remaining hidden.
sBnw swr kry jgjIvnu ijin Apxw Awpu pCwqw hy ]1]
sabhanaa saar karae jagajeevan jin apanaa aap pashhaathaa hae ||1||
The Lord, the Life of the world, takes care of all. Whoever knows his own self, realizes God. ||1||
ijin bRhmw ibsnu mhysu aupwey ]
aucwrx bRhmw: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
jin brehamaa bisan mehaes oupaaeae ||
He who created Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva,
isir isir DMDY Awpy lwey ]
sir sir dhhandhhai aapae laaeae ||
Links each and every being to its tasks.
ijsu BwvY iqsu Awpy myly ijin gurmuiK eyko jwqw hy ]2]
jis bhaavai this aapae maelae jin guramukh eaeko jaathaa hae ||2||
He merges into Himself, whoever is pleasing to His Will. The Gurmukh knows the One Lord. ||2||
Awvw gauxu hY sMswrw ]
aavaa goun hai sansaaraa ||
The world is coming and going in reincarnation.
mwieAw mohu bhu icqY ibkwrw ]
maaeiaa mohu bahu chithai bikaaraa ||
Attached to Maya, it dwells on its many sins.
iQru swcw swlwhI sdhI ijin gur kw sbdu pCwqw hy ]3]
thhir saachaa saalaahee sadh hee jin gur kaa sabadh pashhaathaa hae ||3||
One who realizes the Word of the Guru's Shabad, praises forever the eternal, unchanging True Lord. ||3||
ieik mUil lgy EnI suKu pwieAw ]
eik mool lagae ounee sukh paaeiaa ||
Some are attached to the root - they find peace.
fwlI lwgy iqnI jnmu gvwieAw ]
ddaalee laagae thinee janam gavaaeiaa ||
But those who are attached to the branches, waste their lives away uselessly.
AMimRq Pl iqn jn kau lwgy jo bolih AMimRq bwqw hy ]4]
anmrith fal thin jan ko laagae jo bolehi anmrith baathaa hae ||4||
Those humble beings, who chant the Name of the Ambrosial Lord, produce the ambrosial fruit. ||4||
hm gux nwhI ikAw bolh bol ]
ham gun naahee kiaa boleh bol ||
I have no virtues; what words should I speak?
qU sBnw dyKih qolih qol ]
thoo sabhanaa dhaekhehi tholehi thol ||
You see all, and weigh them on Your scale.
ijau BwvY iqau rwKih rhxw gurmuiK eyko jwqw hy ]5]
jio bhaavai thio raakhehi rehanaa guramukh eaeko jaathaa hae ||5||
By Your will, You preserve me, and so do I remain. The Gurmukh knows the One Lord. ||5||
jw quDu Bwxw qw scI kwrY lwey ]
jaa thudhh bhaanaa thaa sachee kaarai laaeae ||
According to Your Will, You link me to my true tasks.
Avgx Coif gux mwih smwey ]
avagan shhodd gun maahi samaaeae ||
Renouncing vice, I am immersed in virtue.
gux mih eyko inrmlu swcw gur kY sbid pCwqw hy ]6]
gun mehi eaeko niramal saachaa gur kai sabadh pashhaathaa hae ||6||
The One Immaculate True Lord abides in virtue; through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, He is realized. ||6||
jh dyKw qh eyko soeI ]
jeh dhaekhaa theh eaeko soee ||
Wherever I look, there I see Him.
dUjI durmiq sbdy KoeI ]
dhoojee dhuramath sabadhae khoee ||
Duality and evil-mindedness are destroyed through the Shabad.
eyksu mih pRBu eyku smwxw ApxY rµig sd rwqw hy ]7]
aucwrx rwqw: Bwrw krky bolo
eaekas mehi prabh eaek samaanaa apanai rang sadh raathaa hae ||7||
The One Lord God is immersed in His Oneness. He is attuned forever to His own delight. ||7||
kwieAw kmlu hY kumlwxw ]
aucwrx kWieAW
kaaeiaa kamal hai kumalaanaa ||
The body-lotus is withering away,
mnmuKu sbdu n buJY ieAwxw ]
aucwrx bu`JY
manamukh sabadh n bujhai eiaanaa ||
But the ignorant, self-willed manmukh does not understand the Shabad.
gurprswdI kwieAw Kojy pwey jgjIvnu dwqw hy ]8]
aucwrx kWieAW
gur parasaadhee kaaeiaa khojae paaeae jagajeevan dhaathaa hae ||8||
By Guru's Grace, he searches his body, and finds the Great Giver, the Life of the world. ||8||
kot ghI ky pwp invwry ]
kott gehee kae paap nivaarae ||
The Lord frees up the body-fortress, which was seized by sins,
sdw hir jIau rwKY aur Dwry ]
sadhaa har jeeo raakhai our dhhaarae ||
When one keeps the Dear Lord enshrined forever in the heart.
jo ieCy soeI Plu pwey ijau rMgu mjITY rwqw hy ]9]
aucwrx rwqw: Bwrw krky bolo
jo eishhae soee fal paaeae jio rang majeethai raathaa hae ||9||
The fruits of his desires are obtained, and he is dyed in the permanent color of the Lord's Love. ||9||
mnmuKu igAwnu kQy n hoeI ]
manamukh giaan kathhae n hoee ||
The self-willed manmukh speaks of spiritual wisdom, but does not understand.
iPir iPir AwvY Taur n koeI ]
fir fir aavai thour n koee ||
Again and again, he comes into the world, but he finds no place of rest.
gurmuiK igAwnu sdw swlwhy juig juig eyko jwqw hy ]10]
guramukh giaan sadhaa saalaahae jug jug eaeko jaathaa hae ||10||
The Gurmukh is spiritually wise, and praises the Lord forever. Throughout each and every age, the Gurmukh knows the One Lord. ||10||
mnmuKu kwr kry siB duK sbwey ]
manamukh kaar karae sabh dhukh sabaaeae ||
All the deeds which the manmukh does bring pain - nothing but pain.
AMqir sbdu nwhI ikau dir jwey ]
anthar sabadh naahee kio dhar jaaeae ||
The Word of the Shabad is not within him; how can he go to the Court of the Lord?
gurmuiK sbdu vsY min swcw sd syvy suKdwqw hy ]11]
guramukh sabadh vasai man saachaa sadh saevae sukhadhaathaa hae ||11||
The True Shabad dwells deep within the mind of the Gurmukh; he serves the Giver of peace forever. ||11||
jh dyKw qU sBnI QweI ]
jeh dhaekhaa thoo sabhanee thhaaee ||
Wherever I look, I see You, everywhere.
pUrY guir sB soJI pweI ]
poorai gur sabh sojhee paaee ||
Through the Perfect Guru, all this is known.
nwmo nwmu iDAweIAY sdw sd iehu mnu nwmy rwqw hy ]12]
aucwrx rwqw: Bwrw krky bolo
naamo naam dhhiaaeeai sadhaa sadh eihu man naamae raathaa hae ||12||
I meditate forever and ever on the Naam; this mind is imbued with the Naam. ||12||
nwmy rwqw pivqu srIrw ]
aucwrx rwqw: Bwrw krky bolo
naamae raathaa pavith sareeraa ||
Imbued with the Naam, the body is sanctified.
ibnu nwvY fUib muey ibnu nIrw ]
aucwrx muey: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: mUey, moey)
bin naavai ddoob mueae bin neeraa ||
Without the Naam, they are drowned and die without water.
Awvih jwvih nwmu nhI bUJih ieknw gurmuiK sbdu pCwqw hy ]13]
aucwrx bU`Jih
aavehi jaavehi naam nehee boojhehi eikanaa guramukh sabadh pashhaathaa hae ||13||
They come and go, but do not understand the Naam. Some, as Gurmukh, realize the Word of the Shabad. ||13||
pUrY siqguir bUJ buJweI ]
aucwrx bU`J; bu`JweI
poorai sathigur boojh bujhaaee ||
The Perfect True Guru has imparted this understanding.
ivxu nwvY mukiq iknY n pweI ]
vin naavai mukath kinai n paaee ||
Without the Name, no one attains liberation.
nwmy nwim imlY vifAweI shij rhY rµig rwqw hy ]14]
aucwrx rwqw: Bwrw krky bolo
naamae naam milai vaddiaaee sehaj rehai rang raathaa hae ||14||
Through the Naam, the Name of the Lord, one is blessed with glorious greatness; he remains intuitively attuned to the Lord's Love. ||14||
kwieAw ngru FhY Fih FyrI ]
aucwrx kWieAW
kaaeiaa nagar dtehai dtehi dtaeree ||
The body-village crumbles and collapses into a pile of dust.
ibnu sbdY cUkY nhI PyrI ]
bin sabadhai chookai nehee faeree ||
Without the Shabad, the cycle of reincarnation is not brought to an end.
swcu slwhy swic smwvY ijin gurmuiK eyko jwqw hy ]15]
saach salaahae saach samaavai jin guramukh eaeko jaathaa hae ||15||
One who knows the One Lord, through the True Guru, praises the True Lord, and remains immersed in the True Lord. ||15||
ijsno ndir kry so pwey ]
jis no nadhar karae so paaeae ||
The True Word of the Shabad comes to dwell in the mind,
swcw sbdu vsY min Awey ]
saachaa sabadh vasai man aaeae ||
When the Lord bestows His Glance of Grace.
nwnk nwim rqy inrµkwrI dir swcY swcu pCwqw hy ]16]8]
aucwrx r`qy
naanak naam rathae nirankaaree dhar saachai saach pashhaathaa hae ||16||8||
O Nanak, those who are attuned to the Naam, the Name of the Formless Lord, realize the True Lord in His True Court. ||16||8||