gauVI ]
gourree ||
eyk joiq eykw imlI ikMbw hoie mhoie ]
eaek joth eaekaa milee kinbaa hoe mehoe ||
When one light merges into another, what becomes of it then?
ijqu Git nwmu n aUpjY PUit mrY jnu soie ]1]
jith ghatt naam n oopajai foott marai jan soe ||1||
That person, within whose heart the Lord's Name does not well up - may that person burst and die! ||1||
swvl suµdr rwmeIAw ]
saaval sundhar raameeaa ||
O my dark and beautiful Lord,
myrw mnu lwgw qoih ]1] rhwau ]
maeraa man laagaa thohi ||1|| rehaao ||
My mind is attached to You. ||1||Pause||
swDu imlY isiD pweIAY ik eyhu jogu ik Bogu ]
aucwrx is`iD
saadhh milai sidhh paaeeai k eaehu jog k bhog ||
Meeting with the Holy, the perfection of the Siddhas is obtained. What good is Yoga or indulgence in pleasures?
duhu imil kwrju aUpjY rwm nwm sµjogu ]2]
dhuhu mil kaaraj oopajai raam naam sanjog ||2||
When the two meet together, the business is conducted, and the link with the Lord's Name is established. ||2||
logu jwnY iehu gIqu hY iehu qau bRhm bIcwr ]
aucwrx bRhm: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
log jaanai eihu geeth hai eihu tho breham beechaar ||
People believe that this is just a song, but it is a meditation on God.
ijau kwsI aupdysu hoie mwns mrqI bwr ]3]
jio kaasee oupadhaes hoe maanas marathee baar ||3||
It is like the instructions given to the dying man at Benares. ||3||
koeI gwvY ko suxY hir nwmw icqu lwie ]
koee gaavai ko sunai har naamaa chith laae ||
Whoever sings or listens to the Lord's Name with conscious awareness
khu kbIr sMsw nhI AMiq prmgiq pwie ]4]1]4]55]
kahu kabeer sansaa nehee anth param gath paae ||4||1||4||55||
- says Kabeer, without a doubt, in the end, he obtains the highest status. ||4||1||4||55||