SGGSAng 605Raag SorathMahalla 415 linesGuru Ram Das Ji

soriT mhlw 4 ]

aucwrx soriT mh`lw cauQw

sorath mehalaa 4 ||

Sorat'h, Fourth Mehl:

Awpy hI sBu Awip hY ipAwrw Awpy Qwip auQwpY ]

aapae hee sabh aap hai piaaraa aapae thhaap outhhaapai ||

He Himself, the Beloved, is Himself all-in-all; He Himself establishes and disestablishes.

Awpy vyiK ivgsdw ipAwrw kir coj vyKY pRBu AwpY ]

aucwrx ivgs-dw

aapae vaekh vigasadhaa piaaraa kar choj vaekhai prabh aapai ||

The Beloved Himself beholds, and rejoices; God Himself works wonders, and beholds them.

Awpy vix iqix sBqu hY ipAwrw Awpy gurmuiK jwpY ]1]

aucwrx s`Bqu: 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj

aapae van thin sabhath hai piaaraa aapae guramukh jaapai ||1||

The Beloved Himself is contained in all the woods and meadows; as Gurmukh, He reveals Himself. ||1||

jip mn hir hir nwm ris DRwpY ]

jap man har har naam ras dhhraapai ||

Meditate, O mind, on the Lord, Har, Har; through the sublime essence of Lord's Name, you shall be satisfied.

AMimRq nwmu mhw rsu mITw gur sbdI ciK jwpY ] rhwau ]

anmrith naam mehaa ras meethaa gur sabadhee chakh jaapai || rehaao ||

The Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam, is the sweetest juice; through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, its taste is revealed. ||Pause||

Awpy qIrQu qulhVw ipAwrw Awip qrY pRBu AwpY ]

aucwrx qul-hVw

aapae theerathh thuleharraa piaaraa aap tharai prabh aapai ||

The Beloved is Himself the place of pilgrimage and the raft; God Himself ferries Himself across.

Awpy jwlu vqwiedw ipAwrw sBu jgu mCulI hir AwpY ]

aapae jaal vathaaeidhaa piaaraa sabh jag mashhulee har aapai ||

The Beloved Himself casts the net over all the world; the Lord Himself is the fish.

Awip ABulu n BuleI ipAwrw Avru n dUjw jwpY ]2]

aap abhul n bhulee piaaraa avar n dhoojaa jaapai ||2||

The Beloved Himself is infallible; He makes no mistakes. There is no other like Him to be seen. ||2||

Awpy isM|I nwdu hY ipAwrw Duin Awip vjwey AwpY ]

aapae sinn(g)ee naadh hai piaaraa dhhun aap vajaaeae aapai ||

The Beloved Himself is the Yogi's horn, and the sound current of the Naad; He Himself plays the tune.

Awpy jogI purKu hY ipAwrw Awpy hI qpu qwpY ]

aapae jogee purakh hai piaaraa aapae hee thap thaapai ||

The Beloved Himself is the Yogi, the Primal Being; He Himself practices intense meditation.

Awpy siqguru Awip hY cylw aupdysu krY pRBu AwpY ]3]

aapae sathigur aap hai chaelaa oupadhaes karai prabh aapai ||3||

He Himself is the True Guru, and He Himself is the disciple; God Himself imparts the Teachings. ||3||

Awpy nwau jpwiedw ipAwrw Awpy hI jpu jwpY ]

aapae naao japaaeidhaa piaaraa aapae hee jap jaapai ||

The Beloved Himself inspires us to chant His Name, and He Himself practices meditation.

Awpy AMimRqu Awip hY ipAwrw Awpy hI rsu AwpY ]

aapae anmrith aap hai piaaraa aapae hee ras aapai ||

The Beloved Himself is the Ambrosial Nectar; He Himself is the juice of it.

Awpy Awip slwhdw ipAwrw jn nwnk hir ris DRwpY ]4]3]

aapae aap salaahadhaa piaaraa jan naanak har ras dhhraapai ||4||3||

The Beloved Himself praises Himself; servant Nanak is satisfied, with the sublime essence of the Lord. ||4||3||