SGGSAng 1403Bhattaa De SwaiyeSwaiye Mahalley Chauthey Ke5 linesBhatt Gayand Ji

siqgurU siqgurU siqguru guibMd jIau ]

sathiguroo sathiguroo sathigur gubindh jeeo ||

The True Guru, the True Guru, the True Guru is the Lord of the Universe Himself.

bilih Cln sbl mln Bigœ Pln kwn@ kuAr inhklµk bjI fMk cV§ dl rivMd jIau ]

aucwrx sbl: polw bolo (ASuD: s-bl); m`ln; Bigœ: Bgiq bolo; ku-Ar: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: ko-Ar)

balihi shhalan sabal malan bhagio falan kaanh kuar nihakalank bajee ddank charrhoo dhal ravindh jeeo ||

Enticer of Baliraja, who smothers the mighty, and fulfills the devotees; the Prince Krishna, and Kalki; the thunder of His army and the beat of His drum echoes across the Universe.

rwm rvx durq dvx skl Bvx kusl krx srb BUq Awip hI dyvwiD dyv shs muK PinMd jIau ]

raam ravan dhurath dhavan sakal bhavan kusal karan sarab bhooth aap hee dhaevaadhh dhaev sehas mukh fanindh jeeo ||

The Lord of contemplation, Destroyer of sin, who brings pleasure to the beings of all realms, He Himself is the God of gods, Divinity of the divine, the thousand-headed king cobra.

jrm krm mC kC huA brwh jmunw kY kUil Kylu KyilE ijin igMd jIau ]

jaram karam mashh kashh hua baraah jamunaa kai kool khael khaeliou jin gindh jeeo ||

He took birth in the Incarnations of the Fish, Tortoise and Wild Boar, and played His part. He played games on the banks of the Jamunaa River.

nwmu swru hIey Dwru qju ibkwru mn gXµd siqgurU siqgurU siqgur guibMd jIau ]4]9]

aucwrx gXµd: gieAMd bolo

naam saar heeeae dhhaar thaj bikaar man gayandh sathiguroo sathiguroo sathigur gubindh jeeo ||4||9||

Enshrine this most excellent Name within your heart, and renounce the wickedness of the mind, O Gayand the True Guru, the True Guru, the True Guru is the Lord of the Universe Himself. ||4||9||