nwmdyv ]
naamadhaev ||
Naam Dayv:
Awau klµdr kysvw ]
aao kalandhar kaesavaa ||
Come, O Lord of beautiful hair,
kir AbdwlI Bysvw ] rhwau ]
kar abadhaalee bhaesavaa || rehaao ||
Wearing the robes of a Sufi Saint. ||Pause||
ijin Awkws kulh isir kInI kausY spq pXwlw ]
aucwrx spq: polw bolo (ASuD: s-pq); pXwlw: pieAwlw bolo
jin aakaas kuleh sir keenee kousai sapath payaalaa ||
Your cap is the realm of the Akaashic ethers; the seven nether worlds are Your sandals.
cmr pos kw mMdru qyrw ieh ibiD bny gupwlw ]1]
chamar pos kaa mandhar thaeraa eih bidhh banae gupaalaa ||1||
The body covered with skin is Your temple; You are so beautiful, O Lord of the World. ||1||
Cpn koit kw pyhnu qyrw solh shs iejwrw ]
shhapan kott kaa paehan thaeraa soleh sehas eijaaraa ||
The fifty-six million clouds are Your gowns, the 16,000 milkmaids are your skirts.
Bwr ATwrh mudgru qyrw shnk sB sMswrw ]2]
aucwrx mud-gru; sh-nk
bhaar athaareh mudhagar thaeraa sehanak sabh sansaaraa ||2||
The eighteen loads of vegetation is Your stick, and all the world is Your plate. ||2||
dyhI mhijid mnu maulwnw shj invwj gujwrY ]
aucwrx mh-ijid
dhaehee mehajidh man moulaanaa sehaj nivaaj gujaarai ||
The human body is the mosque, and the mind is the priest, who peacefully leads the prayer.
bIbI kaulw sau kwienu qyrw inrµkwr AwkwrY ]3]
beebee koulaa so kaaein thaeraa nirankaar aakaarai ||3||
You are married to Maya, O Formless Lord, and so You have taken form. ||3||
Bgiq krq myry qwl iCnwey ikh pih krau pukwrw ]
bhagath karath maerae thaal shhinaaeae kih pehi karo pukaaraa ||
Performing devotional worship services to You, my cymbals were taken away; unto whom should I complain?
nwmy kw suAwmI AMqrjwmI iPry sgl bydysvw ]4]1]
aucwrx by-dysvw
naamae kaa suaamee antharajaamee firae sagal baedhaesavaa ||4||1||
Naam Dayv's Lord and Master, the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts, wanders everywhere; He has no specific home. ||4||1||