SGGSAng 1024Raag MaruSolhey Mahalla 149 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

mwrU mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx mwrU mh`lw pihlw

maaroo mehalaa 1 ||

Maaroo, First Mehl:

swcY myly sbid imlwey ]

saachai maelae sabadh milaaeae ||

The True Lord unites with those who are united with the Word of the Shabad.

jw iqsu Bwxw shij smwey ]

jaa this bhaanaa sehaj samaaeae ||

When it pleases Him, we intuitively merge with Him.

iqRBvx joiq DrI prmysir Avru n dUjw BweI hy ]1]

thribhavan joth dhharee paramaesar avar n dhoojaa bhaaee hae ||1||

The Light of the Transcendent Lord pervades the three worlds; there is no other at all, O Siblings of Destiny. ||1||

ijsky cwkr iqs kI syvw ]

jis kae chaakar this kee saevaa ||

I am His servant; I serve Him.

sbid pqIjY AlK AByvw ]

aucwrx Al`K; A-Byvw

sabadh patheejai alakh abhaevaa ||

He is unknowable and mysterious; He is pleased by the Shabad.

Bgqw kw guxkwrI krqw bKis ley vifAweI hy ]2]

bhagathaa kaa gunakaaree karathaa bakhas leae vaddiaaee hae ||2||

The Creator is the Benefactor of His devotees. He forgives them - such is His greatness. ||2||

dydy qoit n AwvY swcy ]

dhaedhae thott n aavai saachae ||

The True Lord gives and gives; His blessings never run short.

lY lY mukir paudy kwcy ]

aucwrx lY lY: v`Krw krky; mu`kir

lai lai mukar poudhae kaachae ||

The false ones receive, and then deny having received.

mUlu n bUJih swic n rIJih dUjY Brim BulweI hy ]3]

aucwrx bU`Jih

mool n boojhehi saach n reejhehi dhoojai bharam bhulaaee hae ||3||

They do not understand their origins, they are not pleased with the Truth, and so they wander in duality and doubt. ||3||

gurmuiK jwig rhy idn rwqI ]

guramukh jaag rehae dhin raathee ||

The Gurmukhs remain awake and aware, day and night.

swcy kI ilv gurmiq jwqI ]

saachae kee liv guramath jaathee ||

Following the Guru's Teachings, they know the Love of the True Lord.

mnmuK soie rhy sy lUty gurmuiK swbqu BweI hy ]4]

manamukh soe rehae sae loottae guramukh saabath bhaaee hae ||4||

The self-willed manmukhs remain asleep, and are plundered. The Gurmukhs remain safe and sound, O Siblings of Destiny. ||4||

kUVy AwvY kUVy jwvY ]

koorrae aavai koorrae jaavai ||

The false come, and the false go;

kUVy rwqI kUVu kmwvY ]

aucwrx rwqI: Bwrw krky bolo

koorrae raathee koorr kamaavai ||

Imbued with falsehood, they practice only falsehood.

sbid imly sy drgh pYDy gurmuiK suriq smweI hy ]5]

sabadh milae sae dharageh paidhhae guramukh surath samaaee hae ||5||

Those who are imbued with the Shabad are robed in honor in the Court of the Lord; the Gurmukhs focus their consciousness on Him. ||5||

kUiV muTI TgI TgvwVI ]

koorr muthee thagee thagavaarree ||

The false are cheated, and robbed by the robbers.

ijau vwVI EjwiV aujwVI ]

jio vaarree oujaarr oujaarree ||

The garden is laid waste, like the rough wilderness.

nwm ibnw ikCu swid n lwgY hir ibsirAY duKu pweI hy ]6]

naam binaa kishh saadh n laagai har bisariai dhukh paaee hae ||6||

Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, nothing tastes sweet; forgetting the Lord, they suffer in sorrow. ||6||

Bojnu swcu imlY AwGweI ]

aucwrx AwGweI: 'g'-'G' dI sWJI Avwj

bhojan saach milai aaghaaee ||

Receiving the food of Truth, one is satisfied.

nwm rqnu swcI vifAweI ]

naam rathan saachee vaddiaaee ||

True is the glorious greatness of the jewel of the Name.

cInY Awpu pCwxY soeI joqI joiq imlweI hy ]7]

cheenai aap pashhaanai soee jothee joth milaaee hae ||7||

One who understands his own self, realizes the Lord. His light merges into the Light. ||7||

nwvhu BulI cotw Kwey ]

naavahu bhulee chottaa khaaeae ||

Wandering from the Name, he endures beatings.

bhuqu isAwxp Brmu n jwey ]

bahuth siaanap bharam n jaaeae ||

Even great cleverness does not dispel doubt.

pic pic muey Acyq n cyqih Ajgir Bwir ldweI hy ]8]

aucwrx muey: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: mUey, moey); Aj-gir

pach pach mueae achaeth n chaethehi ajagar bhaar ladhaaee hae ||8||

The unconscious fool does not remain conscious of the Lord; he putrifies and rots away to death, carrying his heavy load of sin. ||8||

ibnu bwd ibroDih koeI nwhI ]

bin baadh birodhhehi koee naahee ||

No one is free of conflict and strife.

mY dyKwilhu iqsu swlwhI ]

mai dhaekhaalihu this saalaahee ||

Show me anyone who is, and I will praise him.

mnu qnu Arip imlY jgjIvnu hir isau bxq bxweI hy ]9]

man than arap milai jagajeevan har sio banath banaaee hae ||9||

Dedicating mind and body to God, one meets the Lord, the Life of the World, and becomes just like Him. ||9||

pRB kI giq imiq koie n pwvY ]

prabh kee gath mith koe n paavai ||

No one knows the state and extent of God.

jy ko vfw khwie vfweI KwvY ]

jae ko vaddaa kehaae vaddaaee khaavai ||

Whoever calls himself great, will be eaten by his greatness.

swcy swihb qoit n dwqI sglI iqnih aupweI hy ]10]

aucwrx dwqI: ‘d’ Bwrw krky bolo

saachae saahib thott n dhaathee sagalee thinehi oupaaee hae ||10||

There is no lack of gifts of our True Lord and Master. He created all. ||10||

vfI vifAweI vyprvwhy ]

vaddee vaddiaaee vaeparavaahae ||

Great is the glorious greatness of the independent Lord.

Awip aupwey dwnu smwhy ]

aap oupaaeae dhaan samaahae ||

He Himself created, and gives sustanance to all.

Awip dieAwlu dUir nhI dwqw imilAw shij rjweI hy ]11]

aucwrx rjweI: polw bolo

aap dhaeiaal dhoor nehee dhaathaa miliaa sehaj rajaaee hae ||11||

The Merciful Lord is not far away; the Great Giver spontaneously unites with Himself, by His Will. ||11||

ieik sogI ieik roig ivAwpy ]

eik sogee eik rog viaapae ||

Some are sad, and some are afflicted with disease.

jo ikCu kry su Awpy Awpy ]

jo kishh karae s aapae aapae ||

Whatever God does, He does by Himself.

Bgiq Bwau gur kI miq pUrI Anhid sbid lKweI hy ]12]

aucwrx m`iq

bhagath bhaao gur kee math pooree anehadh sabadh lakhaaee hae ||12||

Through loving devotion, and the Perfect Teachings of the Guru, the unstruck sound current of the Shabad is realized. ||12||

ieik nwgy BUKy Bvih Bvwey ]

eik naagae bhookhae bhavehi bhavaaeae ||

Some wander and roam around, hungry and naked.

ieik hTu kir mrih n kImiq pwey ]

eik hath kar marehi n keemath paaeae ||

Some act in stubbornness and die, but do not know the value of God.

giq Aivgq kI swr n jwxY bUJY sbdu kmweI hy ]13]

aucwrx Aiv-gq; bU`JY

gath avigath kee saar n jaanai boojhai sabadh kamaaee hae ||13||

They do not know the difference between good and bad; this is understood only through the practice of the Word of the Shabad. ||13||

ieik qIriQ nwvih AMnu n Kwvih ]

aucwrx nwvih: 'n' Bwrw krky

eik theerathh naavehi ann n khaavehi ||

Some bathe at sacred shrines and refuse to eat.

ieik Agin jlwvih dyh Kpwvih ]

aucwrx jlwvih: polw bolo

eik agan jalaavehi dhaeh khapaavehi ||

Some torment their bodies in burning fire.

rwm nwm ibnu mukiq n hoeI ikqu ibiD pwir lµGweI hy ]14]

raam naam bin mukath n hoee kith bidhh paar langhaaee hae ||14||

Without the Lord's Name, liberation is not obtained; how can anyone cross over? ||14||

gurmiq Cofih auJiV jweI ]

guramath shhoddehi oujharr jaaee ||

Abandoning the Guru's Teachings, some wander in the wilderness.

mnmuiK rwmu n jpY AvweI ]

manamukh raam n japai avaaee ||

The self-willed manmukhs are destitute; they do not meditate on the Lord.

pic pic bUfih kUVu kmwvih kUiV kwlu bYrweI hy ]15]

pach pach booddehi koorr kamaavehi koorr kaal bairaaee hae ||15||

They are ruined, destroyed and drowned from practicing falsehood; death is the enemy of the false. ||15||

hukmy AwvY hukmy jwvY ]

hukamae aavai hukamae jaavai ||

By the Hukam of the Lord's Command, they come, and by the Hukam of His Command, they go.

bUJY hukmu so swic smwvY ]

aucwrx bU`JY

boojhai hukam so saach samaavai ||

One who realizes His Hukam, merges in the True Lord.

nwnk swcu imlY min BwvY gurmuiK kwr kmweI hy ]16]5]

naanak saach milai man bhaavai guramukh kaar kamaaee hae ||16||5||

O Nanak, he merges in the True Lord, and his mind is pleased with the Lord. The Gurmukhs do His work. ||16||5||