mwrU mhlw 1 ]
aucwrx mwrU mh`lw pihlw
maaroo mehalaa 1 ||
Maaroo, First Mehl:
Awid jugwdI Apr Apwry ]
aucwrx Apr: polw bolo (ASuD: A-pr)
aadh jugaadhee apar apaarae ||
From the very beginning of time, and throughout the ages, You are infinite and incomparable.
Awid inrµjn Ksm hmwry ]
aadh niranjan khasam hamaarae ||
You are my primal, immaculate Lord and Master.
swcy jog jugiq vIcwrI swcy qwVI lweI hy ]1]
saachae jog jugath veechaaree saachae thaarree laaee hae ||1||
I contemplate the Way of Yoga, the Way of Union with the True Lord. I am truly absorbed in the primal void of deep meditation. ||1||
kyqiVAw jug DuµDUkwrY ]
kaetharriaa jug dhhundhhookaarai ||
For so many ages, there was only pitch darkness;
qwVI lweI isrjxhwrY ]
thaarree laaee sirajanehaarai ||
The Creator Lord was absorbed in the primal void.
scu nwmu scI vifAweI swcY qKiq vfweI hy ]2]
sach naam sachee vaddiaaee saachai thakhath vaddaaee hae ||2||
There was the True Name, the glorious greatness of the Truth, and the glory of His true throne. ||2||
sqjuig squ sµqoKu srIrw ]
sathajug sath santhokh sareeraa ||
In the Golden Age of Truth, Truth and contentment filled the bodies.
siq siq vrqY gihr gMBIrw ]
sath sath varathai gehir ganbheeraa ||
Truth was pervasive, Truth, deep, profound and unfathomable.
scw swihbu scu prKY swcY hukim clweI hy ]3]
sachaa saahib sach parakhai saachai hukam chalaaee hae ||3||
The True Lord appraises the mortals on the Touchstone of Truth, and issues His True Command. ||3||
sq sµqoKI siqguru pUrw ]
sath santhokhee sathigur pooraa ||
The Perfect True Guru is true and contented.
gur kw sbdu mny so sUrw ]
aucwrx m`ny
gur kaa sabadh manae so sooraa ||
He alone is a spiritual hero, who believes in the Word of the Guru's Shabad.
swcI drgh swcu invwsw mwnY hukmu rjweI hy ]4]
aucwrx rjweI: polw bolo
saachee dharageh saach nivaasaa maanai hukam rajaaee hae ||4||
He alone obtains a true seat in the True Court of the Lord, who surrenders to the Command of the Commander. ||4||
sqjuig swcu khY sBu koeI ]
sathajug saach kehai sabh koee ||
In the Golden Age of Truth, everyone spoke the Truth.
sic vrqY swcw soeI ]
sach varathai saachaa soee ||
Truth was pervasive - the Lord was Truth.
min muiK swcu Brm Bau Bµjnu gurmuiK swcu sKweI hy ]5]
aucwrx min muiK: v`Krw krky
man mukh saach bharam bho bhanjan guramukh saach sakhaaee hae ||5||
With Truth in their minds and mouths, mortals were rid of doubt and fear. Truth was the friend of the Gurmukhs. ||5||
qRyqY Drm klw iek cUkI ]
thraethai dhharam kalaa eik chookee ||
In the Silver Age of Traytaa Yoga, one power of Dharma was lost.
qIin crx iek duibDw sUkI ]
theen charan eik dhubidhhaa sookee ||
Three feet remained; through duality, one was cut off.
gurmuiK hovY su swcu vKwxY mnmuiK pcY AvweI hy ]6]
aucwrx pcY: polw bolo
guramukh hovai s saach vakhaanai manamukh pachai avaaee hae ||6||
Those who were Gurmukh spoke the Truth, while the self-willed manmukhs wasted away in vain. ||6||
mnmuiK kdy n drgh sIJY ]
manamukh kadhae n dharageh seejhai ||
The manmukh never succeeds in the Court of the Lord.
ibnu sbdY ikau AMqru rIJY ]
bin sabadhai kio anthar reejhai ||
Without the Word of the Shabad, how can one be pleased within?
bwDy Awvih bwDy jwvih soJI bUJ n kweI hy ]7]
aucwrx bU`J
baadhhae aavehi baadhhae jaavehi sojhee boojh n kaaee hae ||7||
In bondage they come, and in bondage they go; they understand and comprehend nothing. ||7||
dieAw duAwpuir ADI hoeI ]
aucwrx du-Awpuir; A`DI
dhaeiaa dhuaapur adhhee hoee ||
In the Brass Age of Dwaapur Yuga, compassion was cut in half.
gurmuiK ivrlw cInY koeI ]
guramukh viralaa cheenai koee ||
Only a few, as Gurmukh, remembered the Lord.
duie pg Drmu Dry DrxIDr gurmuiK swcu iqQweI hy ]8]
aucwrx pg: polw bolo
dhue pag dhharam dhharae dhharaneedhhar guramukh saach thithhaaee hae ||8||
Dharmic faith, which upholds and supports the earth, had only two feet; Truth was revealed to the Gurmukhs. ||8||
rwjy Drmu krih prQwey ]
raajae dhharam karehi parathhaaeae ||
The kings acted righteously only out of self-interest.
Awsw bMDy dwnu krwey ]
aasaa bandhhae dhaan karaaeae ||
Tied to hopes of reward, they gave to charities.
rwm nwm ibnu mukiq n hoeI Qwky krm kmweI hy ]9]
raam naam bin mukath n hoee thhaakae karam kamaaee hae ||9||
Without the Lord's Name, liberation did not come, although they grew weary of performing rituals. ||9||
krm Drm kir mukiq mMgwhI ]
karam dhharam kar mukath mangaahee ||
Practicing religious rituals, they sought liberation,
mukiq pdwrQu sbid slwhI ]
mukath padhaarathh sabadh salaahee ||
But the treasure of liberation comes only by praising the Shabad.
ibnu gur sbdY mukiq n hoeI prpMcu kir BrmweI hy ]10]
bin gur sabadhai mukath n hoee parapanch kar bharamaaee hae ||10||
Without the Word of the Guru's Shabad, liberation is not obtained; practicing hypocrisy, they wander around confused. ||10||
mwieAw mmqw CofI n jweI ]
maaeiaa mamathaa shhoddee n jaaee ||
Love and attachment to Maya cannot be abandoned.
sy CUty scu kwr kmweI ]
sae shhoottae sach kaar kamaaee ||
They alone find release, who practice deeds of Truth.
Aihinis Bgiq rqy vIcwrI Twkur isau bixAweI hy ]11]
aucwrx r`qy
ahinis bhagath rathae veechaaree thaakur sio ban aaee hae ||11||
Day and night, the devotees remain imbued with contemplative meditation; they become just like their Lord and Master. ||11||
ieik jp qp kir kir qIrQ nwvih ]
aucwrx nwvih: 'n' Bwrw krky
eik jap thap kar kar theerathh naavehi ||
Some chant and practice intensive meditation, and take cleansing baths at sacred shrines of pilgrimage.
ijau quDu BwvY iqvY clwvih ]
jio thudhh bhaavai thivai chalaavehi ||
They walk as You will them to walk.
hiT ingRih ApqIju n BIjY ibnu hir gur ikin piq pweI hy ]12]
aucwrx A-pqIju
hath nigrehi apatheej n bheejai bin har gur kin path paaee hae ||12||
By stubborn rituals of self-suppression, the Lord is not pleased. No one has ever obtained honor, without the Lord, without the Guru. ||12||
klI kwl mih iek kl rwKI ]
kalee kaal mehi eik kal raakhee ||
In the Iron Age, the Dark Age of Kali Yuga, only one power remains.
ibnu gur pUry iknY n BwKI ]
bin gur poorae kinai n bhaakhee ||
Without the Perfect Guru, no one has even described it.
mnmuiK kUVu vrqY vrqwrw ibnu siqgur Brmu n jweI hy ]13]
manamukh koorr varathai varathaaraa bin sathigur bharam n jaaee hae ||13||
The self-willed manmukhs have staged the show of falsehood. Without the True Guru, doubt does not depart. ||13||
siqguru vyprvwhu isrµdw ]
sathigur vaeparavaahu sirandhaa ||
The True Guru is the Creator Lord, independent and carefree.
nw jm kwix n CMdw bMdw ]
naa jam kaan n shhandhaa bandhaa ||
He does not fear death, and He is not dependent on mortal men.
jo iqsu syvy so AibnwsI nw iqsu kwlu sMqweI hy ]14]
jo this saevae so abinaasee naa this kaal santhaaee hae ||14||
Whoever serves Him becomes immortal and imperishable, and will not be tortured by death. ||14||
gur mih Awpu riKAw krqwry ]
gur mehi aap rakhiaa karathaarae ||
The Creator Lord has enshrined Himself within the Guru.
gurmuiK koit AsµK auDwry ]
guramukh kott asankh oudhhaarae ||
The Gurmukh saves countless millions.
srb jIAw jgjIvnu dwqw inrBau mYlu n kweI hy ]15]
sarab jeeaa jagajeevan dhaathaa nirabho mail n kaaee hae ||15||
The Life of the World is the Great Giver of all beings. The Fearless Lord has no filth at all. ||15||
sgly jwcih gur BµfwrI ]
sagalae jaachehi gur bhanddaaree ||
Everyone begs from the Guru, God's Treasurer.
Awip inrµjnu AlK ApwrI ]
aucwrx Al`K
aap niranjan alakh apaaree ||
He Himself is the immaculate, unknowable, infinite Lord.
nwnku swcu khY pRB jwcY mY dIjY swcu rjweI hy ]16]4]
aucwrx rjweI: polw bolo
naanak saach kehai prabh jaachai mai dheejai saach rajaaee hae ||16||4||
Nanak speaks the Truth; he begs from God. Please bless me with the Truth, by Your Will. ||16||4||