sulqwnu pUCY sunu by nwmw ]
sulathaan pooshhai sun bae naamaa ||
The Sultan said, “Listen, Naam Dayv:
dyKau rwm qum@wry kwmw ]1]
dhaekho raam thumhaarae kaamaa ||1||
Let me see the actions of your Lord.”||1||
nwmw sulqwny bwiDlw ]
naamaa sulathaanae baadhhilaa ||
The Sultan arrested Naam Dayv,
dyKau qyrw hir bITulw ]1] rhwau ]
dhaekho thaeraa har beethulaa ||1|| rehaao ||
And said, “Let me see your Beloved Lord.”||1||Pause||
ibsimil gaU dyhu jIvwie ]
bisamil goo dhaehu jeevaae ||
“Bring this dead cow back to life.
nw qru grdin mwrau TWie ]2]
aucwrx gr-din
naathar garadhan maaro thaane ||2||
Otherwise, I shall cut off your head here and now.”||2||
bwidswh AYsI ikau hoie ]
baadhisaah aisee kio hoe ||
Naam Dayv answered, “O king, how can this happen?
ibsimil kIAw n jIvY koie ]3]
bisamil keeaa n jeevai koe ||3||
No one can bring the dead back to life. ||3||
myrw kIAw kCU n hoie ]
maeraa keeaa kashhoo n hoe ||
I cannot do anything by my own actions.
kir hY rwmu hoie hY soie ]4]
kar hai raam hoe hai soe ||4||
Whatever the Lord does, that alone happens.”||4||
bwidswhu ciV@E Ahµkwir ]
baadhisaahu charrihou ahankaar ||
The arrogant king was enraged at this reply.
gj hsqI dIno cmkwir ]5]
gaj hasathee dheeno chamakaar ||5||
He incited an elephant to attack. ||5||
rudnu krY nwmy kI mwie ]
rudhan karai naamae kee maae ||
Naam Dayv's mother began to cry,
Coif rwmu kI n Bjih Kudwie ]6]
aucwrx Bjih: polw bolo
shhodd raam kee n bhajehi khudhaae ||6||
And she said, “Why don't you abandon your Lord Raam, and worship his Lord Allah?”||6||
n hau qyrw pUMgVw n qU myrI mwie ]
n ho thaeraa poongarraa n thoo maeree maae ||
Naam Dayv answered, “I am not your son, and you are not my mother.
ipMfu pVY qau hir gun gwie ]7]
aucwrx pVY: polw bolo
pindd parrai tho har gun gaae ||7||
Even if my body dies, I will still sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.”||7||
krY gijMdu suMf kI cot ]
karai gajindh sundd kee chott ||
The elephant attacked him with his trunk,
nwmw aubrY hir kI Et ]8]
naamaa oubarai har kee outt ||8||
But Naam Dayv was saved, protected by the Lord. ||8||
kwjI mulW krih slwmu ]
aucwrx mu`lW
kaajee mulaan karehi salaam ||
The king said, “The Qazis and the Mullahs bow down to me,
iein ihMdU myrw milAw mwnu ]9]
ein hindhoo maeraa maliaa maan ||9||
But this Hindu has trampled my honor.”||9||
bwidswh bynqI sunyhu ]
baadhisaah baenathee sunaehu ||
The people pleaded with the king, “Hear our prayer, O king.
nwmy sr Bir sonw lyhu ]10]
naamae sar bhar sonaa laehu ||10||
Here, take Naam Dayvs weight in gold, and release him.”||10||
mwlu lyau qau dojik prau ]
maal laeo tho dhojak paro ||
The king replied, “If I take the gold, then I will be consigned to hell,
dInu Coif dunIAw kau Brau ]11]
dheen shhodd dhuneeaa ko bharo ||11||
By forsaking my faith and gathering worldly wealth.”||11||
pwvhu byVI hwQhu qwl ]
paavahu baerree haathhahu thaal ||
With his feet in chains, Naam Dayv kept the beat with his hands,
nwmw gwvY gun gopwl ]12]
naamaa gaavai gun gopaal ||12||
Singing the Praises of the Lord. ||12||
gMg jmun jau aultI bhY ]
aucwrx jmun: iek`Tw bolo
gang jamun jo oulattee behai ||
“Even if the Ganges and the Jamunaa rivers flow backwards,
qau nwmw hir krqw rhY ]13]
tho naamaa har karathaa rehai ||13||
I will still continue singing the Praises of the Lord.”||13||
swq GVI jb bIqI suxI ]
saath gharree jab beethee sunee ||
Three hours passed,
Ajhu n AwieE iqRBvx DxI ]14]
ajahu n aaeiou thribhavan dhhanee ||14||
And even then, the Lord of the three worlds had not come. ||14||
pwKMqx bwj bjwielw ]
paakhanthan baaj bajaaeilaa ||
Playing on the instrument of the feathered wings,
gruV cV@y goibMd Awielw ]15]
garurr charrhae gobindh aaeilaa ||15||
The Lord of the Universe came, mounted on the eagle garura. ||15||
Apny Bgq pir kI pRiqpwl ]
aucwrx pRiq-pwl: ‘pR’ ishwrI rihq bolo
apanae bhagath par kee prathipaal ||
He cherished His devotee,
gruV cV@y Awey gopwl ]16]
garurr charrhae aaeae gopaal ||16||
And the Lord came, mounted on the eagle garura. ||16||
khih q Drix iekofI krau ]
kehehi th dhharan eikoddee karo ||
The Lord said to him, “If you wish, I shall turn the earth sideways.
khih q ly kir aUpir Drau ]17]
kehehi th lae kar oopar dhharo ||17||
If you wish, I shall turn it upside down. ||17||
khih q mueI gaU dyau jIAwie ]
aucwrx mueI: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: mUeI)
kehehi th muee goo dhaeo jeeaae ||
If you wish, I shall bring the dead cow back to life.
sBu koeI dyKY pqIAwie ]18]
sabh koee dhaekhai patheeaae ||18||
Everyone will see and be convinced.”||18||
nwmw pRxvY syl msyl ]
naamaa pranavai sael masael ||
Naam Dayv prayed, and milked the cow.
gaU duhweI bCrw myil ]19]
goo dhuhaaee bashharaa mael ||19||
He brought the calf to the cow, and milked her. ||19||
dUDih duih jb mtukI BrI ]
aucwrx mtu-kI: polw bolo (ASuD: mtu`kI)
dhoodhhehi dhuhi jab mattukee bharee ||
When the pitcher was filled with milk,
ly bwidswh ky Awgy DrI ]20]
lae baadhisaah kae aagae dhharee ||20||
Naam Dayv took it and placed it before the king. ||20||
bwidswhu mhl mih jwie ]
baadhisaahu mehal mehi jaae ||
The king went into his palace,
AauGt kI Gt lwgI Awie ]21]
aoughatt kee ghatt laagee aae ||21||
And his heart was troubled. ||21||
kwjI mulW ibnqI Purmwie ]
aucwrx mu`lW
kaajee mulaan binathee furamaae ||
Through the Qazis and the Mullahs, the king offered his prayer,
bKsI ihMdU mY qyrI gwie ]22]
bakhasee hindhoo mai thaeree gaae ||22||
“Forgive me, please, O Hindu; I am just a cow before you.”||22||
nwmw khY sunhu bwidswh ]
naamaa kehai sunahu baadhisaah ||
Naam Dayv said, “Listen, O king:
iehu ikCu pqIAw muJY idKwie ]23]
aucwrx pqIAw: polw bolo
eihu kishh patheeaa mujhai dhikhaae ||23||
Have I done this miracle? ||23||
ies pqIAw kw iehY prvwnu ]
aucwrx pqIAw: polw bolo
eis patheeaa kaa eihai paravaan ||
The purpose of this miracle is
swic sIil cwlhu suilqwn ]24]
saach seel chaalahu sulithaan ||24||
That you, O king, should walk on the path of truth and humility.”||24||
nwmdyau sB rihAw smwie ]
naamadhaeo sabh rehiaa samaae ||
Naam Dayv became famous everywhere for this.
imil ihMdU sB nwmy pih jwih ]25]
mil hindhoo sabh naamae pehi jaahi ||25||
The Hindus all went together to Naam Dayv. ||25||
jau Ab kI bwr n jIvY gwie ]
jo ab kee baar n jeevai gaae ||
If the cow had not been revived,
q nwmdyv kw pqIAw jwie ]26]
aucwrx pqIAw: polw bolo
th naamadhaev kaa patheeaa jaae ||26||
People would have lost faith in Naam Dayv. ||26||
nwmy kI kIriq rhI sµswir ]
naamae kee keerath rehee sansaar ||
The fame of Naam Dayv spread throughout the world.
Bgq jnW ly auDirAw pwir ]27]
bhagath janaan lae oudhhariaa paar ||27||
The humble devotees were saved and carried across with him. ||27||
sgl klys inMdk BieAw Kydu ]
sagal kalaes nindhak bhaeiaa khaedh ||
All sorts of troubles and pains afflicted the slanderer.
nwmy nwrwien nwhI Bydu ]28]1]10]
naamae naaraaein naahee bhaedh ||28||1||10||
There is no difference between Naam Dayv and the Lord. ||28||1||10||