Gru 2 ]
aucwrx Gru dUjw
ghar 2 ||
Second House:
jau gurdyau q imlY murwir ]
jo guradhaeo th milai muraar ||
By the Grace of the Divine Guru, one meets the Lord.
jau gurdyau q auqrY pwir ]
jo guradhaeo th outharai paar ||
By the Grace of the Divine Guru, one is carried across to the other side.
jau gurdyau q bYkuµT qrY ]
jo guradhaeo th baikunth tharai ||
By the Grace of the Divine Guru, one swims across to heaven.
jau gurdyau q jIvq mrY ]1]
jo guradhaeo th jeevath marai ||1||
By the Grace of the Divine Guru, one remains dead while yet alive. ||1||
siq siq siq siq siqgur dyv ]
sath sath sath sath sath guradhaev ||
True, True, True True, True is the Divine Guru.
JUTu JUTu JUTu JUTu Awn sB syv ]1] rhwau ]
jhooth jhooth jhooth jhooth aan sabh saev ||1|| rehaao ||
False, false, false, false is all other service. ||1||Pause||
jau gurdyau q nwmu idRVwvY ]
jo guradhaeo th naam dhrirraavai ||
When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is implanted within.
jau gurdyau n dhids DwvY ]
jo guradhaeo n dheh dhis dhhaavai ||
When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, one does not wander in the ten directions.
jau gurdyau pMc qy dUir ]
jo guradhaeo panch thae dhoor ||
When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, the five demons are kept far away.
jau gurdyau n mirbo JUir ]2]
jo guradhaeo n maribo jhoor ||2||
When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, one does not die regretting. ||2||
jau gurdyau q AMimRq bwnI ]
jo guradhaeo th anmrith baanee ||
When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, one is blessed with the Ambrosial Bani of the Word.
jau gurdyau q AkQ khwnI ]
jo guradhaeo th akathh kehaanee ||
When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, one speaks the Unspoken Speech.
jau gurdyau q AMimRq dyh ]
jo guradhaeo th anmrith dhaeh ||
When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, one's body becomes like ambrosial nectar.
jau gurdyau nwmu jip lyih ]3]
jo guradhaeo naam jap laehi ||3||
When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, one utters and chants the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||3||
jau gurdyau Bvn qRY sUJY ]
jo guradhaeo bhavan thrai soojhai ||
When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, one sees the three worlds.
jau gurdyau aUc pd bUJY ]
aucwrx bU`JY
jo guradhaeo ooch padh boojhai ||
When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, one understands the state of supreme dignity.
jau gurdyau q sIsu Akwis ]
jo guradhaeo th sees akaas ||
When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, one's head is in the Akaashic ethers.
jau gurdyau sdw swbwis ]4]
jo guradhaeo sadhaa saabaas ||4||
When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, one is always congratulated everywhere. ||4||
jau gurdyau sdw bYrwgI ]
jo guradhaeo sadhaa bairaagee ||
When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, one remains detached forever.
jau gurdyau pr inMdw iqAwgI ]
jo guradhaeo par nindhaa thiaagee ||
When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, one forsakes the slander of others.
jau gurdyau burw Blw eyk ]
jo guradhaeo buraa bhalaa eaek ||
When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, one looks upon good and bad as the same.
jau gurdyau illwtih lyK ]5]
jo guradhaeo lilaattehi laekh ||5||
When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, one has good destiny written on his forehead. ||5||
jau gurdyau kMDu nhI ihrY ]
jo guradhaeo kandhh nehee hirai ||
When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, the wall of the body is not eroded.
jau gurdyau dyhurw iPrY ]
jo guradhaeo dhaehuraa firai ||
When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, the temple turns itself towards the mortal.
jau gurdyau q Cwpir CweI ]
jo guradhaeo th shhaapar shhaaee ||
When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, one's home is constructed.
jau gurdyau ishj inksweI ]6]
jo guradhaeo sihaj nikasaaee ||6||
When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, one's bed is lifted up out of the water. ||6||
jau gurdyau q ATsiT nwieAw ]
aucwrx nwieAw: 'n' Bwrw krky
jo guradhaeo th athasath naaeiaa ||
When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, one has bathed at the sixty-eight sacred shrines of pilgrimage.
jau gurdyau qin ckR lgwieAw ]
jo guradhaeo than chakr lagaaeiaa ||
When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, one's body is stamped with the sacred mark of Vishnu.
jau gurdyau q duAwds syvw ]
aucwrx duAw-ds
jo guradhaeo th dhuaadhas saevaa ||
When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, one has performed the twelve devotional services.
jau gurdyau sBY ibKu myvw ]7]
aucwrx s`BY
jo guradhaeo sabhai bikh maevaa ||7||
When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, all poison is transformed into fruit. ||7||
jau gurdyau q sMsw tUtY ]
jo guradhaeo th sansaa ttoottai ||
When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, skepticism is shattered.
jau gurdyau q jm qy CUtY ]
jo guradhaeo th jam thae shhoottai ||
When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, one escapes from the Messenger of Death.
jau gurdyau q Baujl qrY ]
jo guradhaeo th bhoujal tharai ||
When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, one crosses over the terrifying world-ocean.
jau gurdyau q jnim n mrY ]8]
jo guradhaeo th janam n marai ||8||
When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, one is not subject to the cycle of reincarnation. ||8||
jau gurdyau ATds ibauhwr ]
jo guradhaeo athadhas biouhaar ||
When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, one understands the rituals of the eighteen Puraanas.
jau gurdyau ATwrh Bwr ]
jo guradhaeo athaareh bhaar ||
When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, it is as if one has made an offering of the eighten loads of vegetation.
ibnu gurdyau Avr nhI jweI ]
bin guradhaeo avar nehee jaaee ||
When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, one needs no other place of rest.
nwmdyau gur kI srxweI ]9]1]2]11]
naamadhaeo gur kee saranaaee ||9||1||2||11||
Naam Dayv has entered the Sanctuary of the Guru. ||9||1||2||11||