SGGSAng 1143Raag BhaironMahalla 519 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

BYrau mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx BYrau mh`lw pMjvw

bhairo mehalaa 5 ||

Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

moih duhwgin Awip sIgwrI ]

mohi dhuhaagan aap seegaaree ||

I was discarded and abandoned, but He has embellished me.

rUp rMg dy nwim svwrI ]

roop rang dhae naam savaaree ||

He has blessed me with beauty and His Love; through His Name, I am exalted.

imitE duKu Aru sgl sµqwp ]

mittiou dhukh ar sagal santhaap ||

All my pains and sorrows have been eradicated.

gur hoey myry mweI bwp ]1]

gur hoeae maerae maaee baap ||1||

The Guru has become my Mother and Father. ||1||

sKI shyrI myrY gRsiq Anµd ]

sakhee sehaeree maerai grasath anandh ||

O my friends and companions, my household is in bliss.

kir ikrpw Byty moih kMq ]1] rhwau ]

kar kirapaa bhaettae mohi kanth ||1|| rehaao ||

Granting His Grace, my Husband Lord has met me. ||1||Pause||

qpiq buJI pUrn sB Awsw ]

aucwrx buJI: polw bolo

thapath bujhee pooran sabh aasaa ||

The fire of desire has been extinguished, and all my desires have been fulfilled.

imty AMDyr Bey prgwsw ]

mittae andhhaer bheae paragaasaa ||

The darkness has been dispelled, and the Divine Light blazes forth.

Anhd sbd Acrj ibsmwd ]

aucwrx Ac-rj

anehadh sabadh acharaj bisamaadh ||

The Unstruck Sound-current of the Shabad, the Word of God, is wondrous and amazing!

guru pUrw pUrw prswd ]2]

gur pooraa pooraa parasaadh ||2||

Perfect is the Grace of the Perfect Guru. ||2||

jw kau pRgt Bey gopwl ]

jaa ko pragatt bheae gopaal ||

That person, unto whom the Lord reveals Himself

qw kY drsin sdw inhwl ]

thaa kai dharasan sadhaa nihaal ||

By the Blessed Vision of his Darshan, I am forever enraptured.

srb guxw qw kY bhuqu inDwn ]

sarab gunaa thaa kai bahuth nidhhaan ||

He obtains all virtues and so many treasures.

jw kau siqguir dIE nwmu ]3]

jaa ko sathigur dheeou naam ||3||

The True Guru blesses him with the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||3||

jw kau ByitE Twkuru Apnw ]

jaa ko bhaettiou thaakur apanaa ||

That person who meets with his Lord and Master

mnu qnu sIqlu hir hir jpnw ]

man than seethal har har japanaa ||

His mind and body are cooled and soothed, chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.

khu nwnk jo jn pRB Bwey ]

kahu naanak jo jan prabh bhaaeae ||

Says Nanak, such a humble being is pleasing to God;

qw kI rynu ibrlw ko pwey ]4]14]27]

thaa kee raen biralaa ko paaeae ||4||14||27||

Only a rare few are blessed with the dust of his feet. ||4||14||27||