SGGSAng 1150Raag BhaironMahalla 519 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

BYrau mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx BYrau mh`lw pMjvw

bhairo mehalaa 5 ||

Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

nwmu lYq ikCu ibGnu n lwgY ]

naam laith kishh bighan n laagai ||

Repeating the Naam, the Name of the Lord, no obstacles block the way.

nwmu suxq jmu dUrhu BwgY ]

naam sunath jam dhoorahu bhaagai ||

Listening to the Naam, the Messenger of Death runs far away.

nwmu lYq sB dUKh nwsu ]

naam laith sabh dhookheh naas ||

Repeating the Naam, all pains vanish.

nwmu jpq hir crx invwsu ]1]

naam japath har charan nivaas ||1||

Chanting the Naam, the Lord's Lotus Feet dwell within. ||1||

inribGn Bgiq Bju hir hir nwau ]

aucwrx Bju: polw bolo

nirabighan bhagath bhaj har har naao ||

Meditating, vibrating the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is unobstructed devotional worship.

rsik rsik hir ky gux gwau ]1] rhwau ]

rasak rasak har kae gun gaao ||1|| rehaao ||

Sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord with loving affection and energy. ||1||Pause||

hir ismrq ikCu cwKu n johY ]

har simarath kishh chaakh n johai ||

Meditating in remembrance on the Lord, the Eye of Death cannot see you.

hir ismrq dYq dyau n pohY ]

har simarath dhaith dhaeo n pohai ||

Meditating in remembrance on the Lord, demons and ghosts shall not touch you.

hir ismrq mohu mwnu n bDY ]

aucwrx bDY: polw bolo

har simarath mohu maan n badhhai ||

Meditating in remembrance on the Lord, attachment and pride shall not bind you.

hir ismrq grB join n ruDY ]2]

aucwrx ru`DY

har simarath garabh jon n rudhhai ||2||

Meditating in remembrance on the Lord, you shall not be consigned to the womb of reincarnation. ||2||

hir ismrn kI sglI bylw ]

har simaran kee sagalee baelaa ||

Any time is a good time to meditate in remembrance on the Lord.

hir ismrnu bhu mwih iekylw ]

har simaran bahu maahi eikaelaa ||

Among the masses, only a few meditate in remembrance on the Lord.

jwiq Ajwiq jpY jnu koie ]

jaath ajaath japai jan koe ||

Social class or no social class, anyone may meditate on the Lord.

jo jwpY iqs kI giq hoie ]3]

jo jaapai this kee gath hoe ||3||

Whoever meditates on Him is emancipated. ||3||

hir kw nwmu jpIAY swDsµig ]

har kaa naam japeeai saadhhasang ||

Chant the Name of the Lord in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

hir ky nwm kw pUrn rMgu ]

har kae naam kaa pooran rang ||

Perfect is the Love of the Lord's Name.

nwnk kau pRB ikrpw Dwir ]

naanak ko prabh kirapaa dhhaar ||

O God, shower Your Mercy on Nanak,

swis swis hir dyhu icqwir ]4]36]49]

saas saas har dhaehu chithaar ||4||36||49||

That he may think of you with each and every breath. ||4||36||49||