syvk kY BrpUr jugu jugu vwhgurU qyrw sBu sdkw ]
saevak kai bharapoor jug jug vaahaguroo thaeraa sabh sadhakaa ||
Your servants are totally fulfilled, throughout the ages; O Waahay Guru, it is all You, forever.
inrµkwru pRBu sdw slwmiq kih n skY koaU qU kd kw ]
aucwrx kd kw: v`Krw krky
nirankaar prabh sadhaa salaamath kehi n sakai kooo thoo kadh kaa ||
O Formless Lord God, You are eternally intact; no one can say how You came into being.
bRhmw ibsnu isry qY Agnq iqn kau mohu BXw mn md kw ]
aucwrx bRhmw: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo; Agnq: ieQy cwl muqwbk 'Ag-nq' bolo hY; BXw: BieAw bolo; md kw: v`Krw krky
brehamaa bisan sirae thai aganath thin ko mohu bhayaa man madh kaa ||
You created countless Brahmas and Vishnus; their minds were intoxicated with emotional attachment.
cvrwsIh lK join aupweI irjku dIAw sB hU kau qd kw ]
aucwrx qd kw: v`Krw krky
chavaraaseeh lakh jon oupaaee rijak dheeaa sabh hoo ko thadh kaa ||
You created the 8.4 million species of beings, and provide for their sustanance.
syvk kY BrpUr jugu jugu vwhgurU qyrw sBu sdkw ]1]11]
saevak kai bharapoor jug jug vaahaguroo thaeraa sabh sadhakaa ||1||11||
Your servants are totally fulfilled, throughout the ages; O Waahay Guru, it is all You, forever. ||1||11||