Bhai Nand Laal JiAng 1GanjnamaGanjnama15 linesBhai Nand Lal Ji

slqænqy hSqm

salatnate hashatam

The Eighth Guru, Guru Har Kishen Ji

slqænqy hSq-mS qwjy mAæsUmwny mkæbUl

salatnate hashata-masha, taaje masoomaane makbool

The eighth Guru, Guru Har Kishen Ji, was the crown of the 'accepted'

v mqæAæey mukæ-iblwny mOsUl ]

v matae, muk-bilaane mauasool ||

and the 'chaste' believers of Waaheguru and the honorific master of those who have merged into Him.

ieAæ-jwzy kæudsI-AS Suhrw Aw&wk

eia-jaaze kudhasee-asha, shuharaa aaphaak

His extraordinary miracle is world-famous

v Anvwry vjUdy pwkS hæ`kæ ieSrwkæ ]

v anavaare, vajoodhe paakasha; h'k isharaak ||

and the radiance of his personality lights up the 'truth'.

^wsW kurbwnS

khhaasaa(n) kurabaanash

The special and near-ones are willing to sacrifice themselves for him

v pwkW sr br AwsqwnS ]

v paakaa(n), sar bar aasataanash ||

and the chaste constantly bow at his door.

vwis&y AOsw&y jzwie-lS hzwrW hzwr suls v suds br-gzI

vaasiphe aauasaaphe jazai-lasha, hazaaraa(n) hazaara; sulas v sudhas bara-gazee

His numerous followers and those who have an appreciation of real virtues are the elite of the three worlds and the six directions

v ryzw cIny mwied-hey Aælqw&y jlwie-AS byS Az Sumwr iqsAæ v AæSry hækæ-ngIN ]

v rezaa cheene maidha-he alataaphe jalai-asha; besh az shumaara, tisa v ashare hk-nagee(n) ||

and there are countless persons who pick up bits and scraps from the refectory and pool of Guru's qualities.

hwey nwmy &`ru& &rjwmS hzImq A&gwny dyvy AæwlmgIr

haae naame pha'ruph pharajaamasha; hazeemat aphagaane, dheve aalamageer

The jewel-studded 'Hay' in his name is capable to defeat and bring down even the world-conquering and strong giants.

v rwey rwsqI numwieS sdr nSIny jwivdwnI srIr ]

v raae, raasatee numaisha; sadhar nasheene jaavidhaanee sareer ||

The truth-telling 'Ray' deserves to be seated respectfully with the status of a president on the eternal throne.

kw&y qwzIey AW kuSwieMd-hey Ab-vwby krm

kaaphe taaze'ee aa(n); kushai(n)dha-he aba-vaabe karam

The Arabic 'Kaaf' in his name can open the doors of generosity and benevolence,

v SIny SOkq qzmInS sr A&gny dyvwny d`Xm ]

v sheene shauakat tazameenasha; sar aphagane dhevaane dha'yam ||

and the glorious 'Sheen' with its pomp and show can tame and overpower even the tiger-like strong monsters.

nUny Awi^rS nuz-huq A&zwey hr idlo jwnw

noone aakhhirasha, nuza-hut aphazaae har dhilo jaanaa

The last 'Noon' in his name brings and enhances freshness and aroma in life

v ndImy ^ws inAæ-mul-subhW ]92]

v nadheeme, khhaas nia-mula-subahaa(n) ||92||

and is the closest friend of the God-given boons. (92)