SGGSAng 1172Raag BasantMahalla 319 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

bsµqu mhlw 3 ]

aucwrx bsµqu mh`lw qIjw

basanth mehalaa 3 ||

Basant, Third Mehl:

hir syvy so hir kw logu ]

har saevae so har kaa log ||

One who serves the Lord is the Lord's person.

swcu shju kdy n hovY sogu ]

saach sehaj kadhae n hovai sog ||

He dwells in intuitive peace, and never suffers in sorrow.

mnmuK muey nwhI hir mn mwih ]

aucwrx muey: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: mUey, moey)

manamukh mueae naahee har man maahi ||

The self-willed manmukhs are dead; the Lord is not within their minds.

mir mir jµmih BI mir jwih ]1]

mar mar janmehi bhee mar jaahi ||1||

They die and die again and again, and are reincarnated, only to die once more. ||1||

sy jn jIvy ijn hir mn mwih ]

sae jan jeevae jin har man maahi ||

They alone are alive, whose minds are filled with the Lord.

swcu sm@wlih swic smwih ]1] rhwau ]

saach samhaalehi saach samaahi ||1|| rehaao ||

They contemplate the True Lord, and are absorbed in the True Lord. ||1||Pause||

hir n syvih qy hir qy dUir ]

har n saevehi thae har thae dhoor ||

Those who do not serve the Lord are far away from the Lord.

idsµqru Bvih isir pwvih DUir ]

dhisanthar bhavehi sir paavehi dhhoor ||

They wander in foreign lands, with dust thrown on their heads.

hir Awpy jn lIey lwie ]

har aapae jan leeeae laae ||

The Lord Himself enjoins His humble servants to serve Him.

iqn sdw suKu hY iqlu n qmwie ]2]

thin sadhaa sukh hai thil n thamaae ||2||

They live in peace forever, and have no greed at all. ||2||

ndir kry cUkY AiBmwnu ]

nadhar karae chookai abhimaan ||

When the Lord bestows His Glance of Grace, egotism is eradicated.

swcI drgh pwvY mwnu ]

saachee dharageh paavai maan ||

Then, the mortal is honored in the Court of the True Lord.

hir jIau vyKY sd hjUir ]

har jeeo vaekhai sadh hajoor ||

He sees the Dear Lord always close at hand, ever-present.

gur kY sbid rihAw BrpUir ]3]

gur kai sabadh rehiaa bharapoor ||3||

Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, he sees the Lord pervading and permeating all. ||3||

jIA jµq kI kry pRiqpwl ]

aucwrx pRiq-pwl: ‘pR’ ishwrI rihq bolo

jeea janth kee karae prathipaal ||

The Lord cherishes all beings and creatures.

gurprswdI sd sm@wl ]

gur parasaadhee sadh samhaal ||

By Guru's Grace, contemplate Him forever.

dir swcY piq isau Gir jwie ]

dhar saachai path sio ghar jaae ||

You shall go to your true home in the Lord's Court with honor.

nwnk nwim vfweI pwie ]4]3]

naanak naam vaddaaee paae ||4||3||

O Nanak, through the Naam, the Name of the Lord, you shall be blessed with glorious greatness. ||4||3||