bsµqu mhlw 3 qIjw ]
aucwrx bsµqu mh`lw qIjw qIjw
basanth mehalaa 3 theejaa ||
Basant, Third Mehl:
bsqR auqwir idgµbru hogu ]
basathr outhaar dhiganbar hog ||
A person may take off his clothes and be naked.
jtwDwir ikAw kmwvY jogu ]
aucwrx jtw-Dwir: polw bolo
jattaadhhaar kiaa kamaavai jog ||
What Yoga does he practice by having matted and tangled hair?
mnu inrmlu nhI dsvY duAwr ]
man niramal nehee dhasavai dhuaar ||
If the mind is not pure, what use is it to hold the breath at the Tenth Gate?
BRim BRim AwvY mUV@w vwro vwr ]1]
bhram bhram aavai moorrhaa vaaro vaar ||1||
The fool wanders and wanders, entering the cycle of reincarnation again and again. ||1||
eyku iDAwvhu mUV mnw ]
eaek dhhiaavahu moorrh manaa ||
Meditate on the One Lord, O my foolish mind,
pwir auqir jwih iek iKnW ]1] rhwau ]
aucwrx iKnW: polw bolo
paar outhar jaahi eik khinaan ||1|| rehaao ||
And you shall cross over to the other side in an instant. ||1||Pause||
isimRiq swsqR krih viKAwx ]
simrith saasathr karehi vakhiaan ||
Some recite and expound on the Simritees and the Shaastras;
nwdI bydI pV@ih purwx ]
naadhee baedhee parrhehi puraan ||
Some sing the Vedas and read the Puraanas;
pwKMf idRsit min kptu kmwih ]
aucwrx kptu: polw bolo (ASuD: kp`tu)
paakhandd dhrisatt man kapatt kamaahi ||
But they practice hypocrisy and deception with their eyes and minds.
iqn kY rmeIAw nyiV nwih ]2]
aucwrx r-meIAw
thin kai rameeaa naerr naahi ||2||
The Lord does not even come near them. ||2||
jy ko AYsw sµjmI hoie ]
jae ko aisaa sanjamee hoe ||
Even if someone practices such self-discipline,
ikRAw ivsyK pUjw kryie ]
kiraaa visaekh poojaa karaee ||
Compassion and devotional worship
AMqir loBu mnu ibiKAw mwih ]
anthar lobh man bikhiaa maahi ||
- if he is filled with greed, and his mind is engrossed in corruption,
Eie inrµjnu kYsy pwih ]3]
oue niranjan kaisae paahi ||3||
How can he find the Immaculate Lord? ||3||
kIqw hoAw kry ikAw hoie ]
keethaa hoaa karae kiaa hoe ||
What can the created being do?
ijsno Awip clwey soie ]
jis no aap chalaaeae soe ||
The Lord Himself moves him.
ndir kry qW Brmu cukwey ]
nadhar karae thaan bharam chukaaeae ||
If the Lord casts His Glance of Grace, then his doubts are dispelled.
hukmY bUJY qW swcw pwey ]4]
aucwrx bU`JY
hukamai boojhai thaan saachaa paaeae ||4||
If the mortal realizes the Hukam of the Lord's Command, he obtains the True Lord. ||4||
ijsu jIau AMqru mYlw hoie ]
jis jeeo anthar mailaa hoe ||
If someone's soul is polluted within,
qIrQ BvY idsµqr loie ]
theerathh bhavai dhisanthar loe ||
What is the use of his traveling to sacred shrines of pilgrimage all over the world?
nwnk imlIAY siqgur sMg ]
naanak mileeai sathigur sang ||
O Nanak, when one joins the Society of the True Guru,
qau Bvjl ky qUtis bMD ]5]4]
tho bhavajal kae thoottas bandhh ||5||4||
Then the bonds of the terrifying world-ocean are broken. ||5||4||