SGGSAng 1168Raag BasantMahalla 119 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

bsµqu mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx bsµqu mh`lw pihlw

basanth mehalaa 1 ||

Basant, First Mehl:

suieny kw caukw kMcn kuAwr ]

sueinae kaa choukaa kanchan kuaar ||

The kitchen is golden, and the cooking pots are golden.

rupy kIAw kwrw bhuqu ibsQwru ]

rupae keeaa kaaraa bahuth bisathhaar ||

The lines marking the cooking square are silver.

gMgw kw audku krµqy kI Awig ]

gangaa kaa oudhak karanthae kee aag ||

The water is from the Ganges, and the firewood is sanctified.

gruVw Kwxw duD isau gwif ]1]

garurraa khaanaa dhudhh sio gaadd ||1||

The food is soft rice, cooked in milk. ||1||

ry mn lyKY kbhU n pwie ]

rae man laekhai kabehoo n paae ||

O my mind, these things are worthless,

jwim n BIjY swc nwie ]1] rhwau ]

jaam n bheejai saach naae ||1|| rehaao ||

If you are not drenched with the True Name. ||1||Pause||

ds AT lIKy hovih pwis ]

dhas ath leekhae hovehi paas ||

One may have the eighteen Puraanas written in his own hand;

cwry byd muKwgr pwiT ]

aucwrx mu-Kwgr

chaarae baedh mukhaagar paath ||

He may recite the four Vedas by heart,

purbI nwvY vrnW kI dwiq ]

aucwrx nwvY: 'n' Bwrw krky

purabee naavai varanaan kee dhaath ||

And take ritual baths at holy festivals and give charitable donations;

vrq nym kry idn rwiq ]2]

varath naem karae dhin raath ||2||

He may observe the ritual fasts, and perform religious ceremonies day and night. ||2||

kwjI mulW hovih syK ]

aucwrx mu`lW

kaajee mulaan hovehi saekh ||

He may be a Qazi, a Mullah or a Shaykh,

jogI jµgm Bgvy ByK ]

aucwrx Bgvy: polw bolo

jogee jangam bhagavae bhaekh ||

A Yogi or a wandering hermit wearing saffron-colored robes;

ko igrhI krmw kI sµiD ]

ko girehee karamaa kee sandhh ||

He may be a householder, working at his job;

ibnu bUJy sB KVIAis bµiD ]3]

aucwrx bU`Jy; KVI-Ais: polw bolo

bin boojhae sabh kharreeas bandhh ||3||

But without understanding the essence of devotional worship, all people are eventually bound and gagged, and driven along by the Messenger of Death. ||3||

jyqy jIA ilKI isir kwr ]

aucwrx isir kwr: v`Krw krky

jaethae jeea likhee sir kaar ||

Each person's karma is written on his forehead.

krxI aupir hovig swr ]

karanee oupar hovag saar ||

According to their deeds, they shall be judged.

hukmu krih mUrK gwvwr ]

hukam karehi moorakh gaavaar ||

Only the foolish and the ignorant issue commands.

nwnk swcy ky isPiq Bµfwr ]4]3]

naanak saachae kae sifath bhanddaar ||4||3||

O Nanak, the treasure of praise belongs to the True Lord alone. ||4||3||