gurprswdI rMgy rwqw ]
aucwrx rwqw: Bwrw krky bolo
gur parasaadhee rangae raathaa ||
By Guru's Grace, one is attuned to the Lord's Love.
AMimRqu pIAw swcy mwqw ]
aucwrx mwqw: Bwrw krky bolo
anmrith peeaa saachae maathaa ||
Drinking in the Ambrosial Nectar, he is intoxicated with the Truth.
gur vIcwrI Agin invwrI ]
gur veechaaree agan nivaaree ||
Contemplating the Guru, the fire within is put out.
Aipau pIE Awqm suKu DwrI ]
aucwrx Aipau: polw bolo (ASuD: A-ipau)
apio peeou aatham sukh dhhaaree ||
Drinking in the Ambrosial Nectar, the soul settles in peace.
scu ArwiDAw gurmuiK qru qwrI ]
sach araadhhiaa guramukh thar thaaree ||
Worshipping the True Lord in adoration, the Gurmukh crosses over the river of life.
nwnk bUJY ko vIcwrI ]63]
aucwrx bU`JY
naanak boojhai ko veechaaree ||63||
O Nanak, after deep contemplation, this is understood. ||63||
iehu mnu mYglu khw bsIAly khw bsY iehu pvnw ]
eihu man maigal kehaa baseealae kehaa basai eihu pavanaa ||
“Where does this mind-elephant live? Where does the breath reside?
khw bsY su sbdu AauDU qw kau cUkY mn kw Bvnw ]
kehaa basai s sabadh aoudhhoo thaa ko chookai man kaa bhavanaa ||
Where should the Shabad reside, so that the wanderings of the mind may cease?”
ndir kry qw siqguru myly qw inj Gir vwsw iehu mnu pwey ]
nadhar karae thaa sathigur maelae thaa nij ghar vaasaa eihu man paaeae ||
When the Lord blesses one with His Glance of Grace, he leads him to the True Guru. Then, this mind dwells in its own home within.
AwpY Awpu Kwie qw inrmlu hovY Dwvqu vrij rhwey ]
aapai aap khaae thaa niramal hovai dhhaavath varaj rehaaeae ||
When the individual consumes his egotism, he becomes immaculate, and his wandering mind is restrained.
ikau mUlu pCwxY Awqmu jwxY ikau sis Gir sUru smwvY ]
kio mool pashhaanai aatham jaanai kio sas ghar soor samaavai ||
“How can the root, the source of all be realized? How can the soul know itself? How can the sun enter into the house of the moon?”
gurmuiK haumY ivchu KovY qau nwnk shij smwvY ]64]
guramukh houmai vichahu khovai tho naanak sehaj samaavai ||64||
The Gurmukh eliminates egotism from within; then, O Nanak, the sun naturally enters into the home of the moon. ||64||