iehu mnu inhclu ihrdY vsIAly gurmuiK mUlu pCwix rhY ]
eihu man nihachal hiradhai vaseealae guramukh mool pashhaan rehai ||
When the mind becomes steady and stable, it abides in the heart, and then the Gurmukh realizes the root, the source of all.
nwiB pvnu Gir Awsix bYsY gurmuiK Kojq qqu lhY ]
naabh pavan ghar aasan baisai guramukh khojath thath lehai ||
The breath is seated in the home of the navel; the Gurmukh searches, and finds the essence of reality.
su sbdu inrµqir inj Gir AwCY iqRBvx joiq su sbid lhY ]
s sabadh niranthar nij ghar aashhai thribhavan joth s sabadh lehai ||
This Shabad permeates the nucleus of the self, deep within, in its own home; the Light of this Shabad pervades the three worlds.
KwvY dUK BUK swcy kI swcy hI iqRpqwis rhY ]
khaavai dhookh bhookh saachae kee saachae hee thripathaas rehai ||
Hunger for the True Lord shall consume your pain, and through the True Lord, you shall be satisfied.
Anhd bwxI gurmuiK jwxI ibrlo ko ArQwvY ]
anehadh baanee guramukh jaanee biralo ko arathhaavai ||
The Gurmukh knows the unstruck sound current of the Bani; how rare are those who understand.
nwnku AwKY scu suBwKY sic rpY rMgu kbhU n jwvY ]65]
aucwrx su-BwKY: 'B' dI ApnI Avwj; r`pY
naanak aakhai sach subhaakhai sach rapai rang kabehoo n jaavai ||65||
Says Nanak, one who speaks the Truth is dyed in the color of Truth, which will never fade away. ||65||
jw iehu ihrdw dyh n hoqI qau mnu kYTY rhqw ]
jaa eihu hiradhaa dhaeh n hothee tho man kaithai rehathaa ||
“When this heart and body did not exist, where did the mind reside?
nwiB kml AsQµBu n hoqo qw pvnu kvn Gir shqw ]
naabh kamal asathhanbh n hotho thaa pavan kavan ghar sehathaa ||
When there was no support of the navel lotus, then in which home did the breath reside?
rUpu n hoqo ryK n kweI qw sbid khw ilv lweI ]
roop n hotho raekh n kaaee thaa sabadh kehaa liv laaee ||
When there was no form or shape, then how could anyone lovingly focus on the Shabad?
rkqu ibMdu kI mVI n hoqI imiq kImiq nhI pweI ]
rakath bindh kee marree n hothee mith keemath nehee paaee ||
When there was no dungeon formed from egg and sperm, who could measure the Lord's value and extent?
vrnu ByKu As rUpu n jwpI ikau kir jwpis swcw ]
aucwrx As rUpu: v`Krw krky
varan bhaekh asaroop n jaapee kio kar jaapas saachaa ||
When color, dress and form could not be seen, how could the True Lord be known?”
nwnk nwim rqy bYrwgI ieb qb swco swcw ]66]
aucwrx r`qy
naanak naam rathae bairaagee eib thab saacho saachaa ||66||
O Nanak, those who are attuned to the Naam, the Name of the Lord, are detached. Then and now, they see the Truest of the True. ||66||
ihrdw dyh n hoqI AauDU qau mnu suµin rhY bYrwgI ]
hiradhaa dhaeh n hothee aoudhhoo tho man sunn rehai bairaagee ||
When the heart and the body did not exist, O hermit, then the mind resided in the absolute, detached Lord.
nwiB kmlu AsQµBu n hoqo qw inj Gir bsqau pvnu AnrwgI ]
naabh kamal asathhanbh n hotho thaa nij ghar basatho pavan anaraagee ||
When there was no support of the lotus of the navel, the breath remained in its own home, attuned to the Lord's Love.
rUpu n ryiKAw jwiq n hoqI qau AkulIix rhqau sbdu su swru ]
aucwrx Aku-lIix
roop n raekhiaa jaath n hothee tho akuleen rehatho sabadh s saar ||
When there was no form or shape or social class, then the Shabad, in its essence, resided in the unmanifest Lord.
gaunu ggnu jb qbih n hoqau iqRBvx joiq Awpy inrµkwru ]
goun gagan jab thabehi n hotho thribhavan joth aapae nirankaar ||
When the world and the sky did not even exist, the Light of the Formless Lord filled the three worlds.
vrnu ByKu As rUpu su eyko eyko sbdu ivfwxI ]
aucwrx As rUpu: v`Krw krky
varan bhaekh asaroop s eaeko eaeko sabadh viddaanee ||
Color, dress and form were contained in the One Lord; the Shabad was contained in the One, Wondrous Lord.
swc ibnw sUcw ko nwhI nwnk AkQ khwxI ]67]
saach binaa soochaa ko naahee naanak akathh kehaanee ||67||
Without the True Name, no one can become pure; O Nanak, this is the Unspoken Speech. ||67||