Bhai Gurdas JiAng 1Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 19 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

8: Kt SwsqR

Six philosiphies

chu bydW ky Drm miQ Kit swsqR kiQ iriK suxwvY ]

chahu baydaan kay dharam madi khati saasatr kadi rikhi sounaavai.

Having churned the duties enjoined in the four Vedas, the seers have delineated the six Shastras.

bRhmwidk snkwidkw ijau iqih khw iqvY jgu gwvY ]

brahamaadik sanakaadikaa jiu tihi kahaa tivai jagu gaavai.

What ever was described by Brahma and Sanak, people recited and followed.

gwvin pVin ibcwir bhu koit mDy ivrlw giq pwvY ]

gaavani parhani bichaari bahu koti madhay viralaa gati paavai.

Many think over while reading and singing, but only one among millions understands and reads between the lines.

ieih Acrj mn AwvdI pViq guxiq kCu Bydu n pwvY ]

ihi acharaju man aavadee parhati gounati kachhu bhaydu n paavai.

Many think over while reading and singing, but only one among millions understands and reads between the lines.

jug jug ieko vrn hY kiljuig ikau bhuqy idKlwvY ]

joug joug ayko varan hai kalijougi kiu bahoutay dikhalaavai.

It is suprising that every age had dominance of one colour (caste) but how in Kaliyug myriads of castes are there.

jMdRy vjy iqRhu jugI kiQ piVH rhY Brm nih jwvY ]

jandray vajay trihu jougee kadi parhhi rahai bharamu nahi jaavai.

That the duties of all the three Yugas have been abandoned is known to everybody but the confusion persists.

ijau kir kiQAw cwir byid Kit swsiqR sMig swK suxwvY ]

jiu kari kadiaa chaari baydi khati saasatri sangi saakhi sounaavai.

As the four Vedas have been defined, the description of the six philosophies (Shastras) also complements them.

Awpo Awpxy mq siB gwvY ]8]

aapo aapanay mati sabhi gaavai ||8||

They all eulogise their own view point.