SGGSAng 1162Raag BhaironBhagat Kabir Jio36 linesBhagat Kabir Ji

BYrau kbIr jIau AstpdI Gru 2

aucwrx BYrau kbIr jIau Ast-pdI Gru dUjw

bhairo kabeer jeeo asattapadhee ghar 2

Bhairao, Kabeer Jee, Ashtapadees, Second House:

<> siqgur pRswid ]

aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr

ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

Agm dRügm giV ricE bws ]

aucwrx dRügm: AONkV 'r' nUµ lw ky

agam dhraagam garr rachiou baas ||

God constructed a fortress, inaccessible and unreachable, in which He dwells.

jw mih joiq kry prgws ]

jaa mehi joth karae paragaas ||

There, His Divine Light radiates forth.

ibjulI cmkY hoie Anµdu ]

bijulee chamakai hoe anandh ||

Lightning blazes, and bliss prevails there,

ijh pauV@y pRB bwl goibMd ]1]

jih pourrhae prabh baal gobindh ||1||

Where the Eternally Young Lord God abides. ||1||

iehu jIau rwm nwm ilv lwgY ]

eihu jeeo raam naam liv laagai ||

This soul is lovingly attuned to the Lord's Name.

jrw mrnu CUtY BRmu BwgY ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx jrw: polw bolo

jaraa maran shhoottai bhram bhaagai ||1|| rehaao ||

It is saved from old age and death, and its doubt runs away. ||1||Pause||

Abrn brn isau mn hI pRIiq ]

aucwrx A-brn

abaran baran sio man hee preeth ||

Those who believe in high and low social classes,

haumY gwvin gwvih gIq ]

houmai gaavan gaavehi geeth ||

Only sing songs and chants of egotism.

Anhd sbd hoq Junkwr ]

anehadh sabadh hoth jhunakaar ||

The Unstruck Sound-current of the Shabad, the Word of God, resounds in that place,

ijh pauV@y pRB sRI gopwl ]2]

jih pourrhae prabh sree gopaal ||2||

Where the Supreme Lord God abides. ||2||

KMfl mMfl mMfl mMfw ]

khanddal manddal manddal manddaa ||

He creates planets, solar systems and galaxies;

iqRA AsQwn qIin iqRA KMfw ]

thria asathhaan theen thria khanddaa ||

He destroys the three worlds, the three gods and the three qualities.

Agm Agocru rihAw AB AMq ]

agam agochar rehiaa abh anth ||

The Inaccessible and Unfathomable Lord God dwells in the heart.

pwru n pwvY ko DrnIDr mMq ]3]

paar n paavai ko dhharaneedhhar manth ||3||

No one can find the limits or the secrets of the Lord of the World. ||3||

kdlI puhp DUp prgws ]

aucwrx puhp: polw bolo (ASuD: puh`p)

kadhalee puhap dhhoop paragaas ||

The Lord shines forth in the plantain flower and the sunshine.

rj pMkj mih lIE invws ]

aucwrx rj: polw bolo

raj pankaj mehi leeou nivaas ||

He dwells in the pollen of the lotus flower.

duAwds dl AB AMqir mMq ]

aucwrx duAw-ds

dhuaadhas dhal abh anthar manth ||

The Lord's secret is within the twelve petals of the heart-lotus.

jh pauVy sRI kmlw kMq ]4]

jeh pourrae sree kamalaa kanth ||4||

The Supreme Lord, the Lord of Lakshmi dwells there. ||4||

ArD aurD muiK lwgo kwsu ]

aradhh ouradhh mukh laago kaas ||

He is like the sky, stretching across the lower, upper and middle realms.

suMn mMfl mih kir prgwsu ]

sunn manddal mehi kar paragaas ||

In the profoundly silent celestial realm, He radiates forth.

aUhW sUrj nwhI cMd ]

oohaan sooraj naahee chandh ||

Neither the sun nor the moon are there,

Awid inrµjnu krY Anµd ]5]

aadh niranjan karai anandh ||5||

But the Primal Immaculate Lord celebrates there. ||5||

so bRhmMif ipMif so jwnu ]

so brehamandd pindd so jaan ||

Know that He is in the universe, and in the body as well.

mwnsrovir kir iesnwnu ]

maan sarovar kar eisanaan ||

Take your cleansing bath in the Mansarovar Lake.

so hµ so jw kau hY jwp ]

aucwrx so hµ so: v`Krw krky

sohan so jaa ko hai jaap ||

Chant “Sohang” - “He is me.”

jw kau ilpq n hoie puMn Aru pwp ]6]

jaa ko lipath n hoe punn ar paap ||6||

He is not affected by either virtue or vice. ||6||

Abrn brn Gwm nhI Cwm ]

aucwrx A-brn

abaran baran ghaam nehee shhaam ||

He is not affected by either high or low social class, sunshine or shade.

Avr n pweIAY gur kI swm ]

avar n paaeeai gur kee saam ||

He is in the Guru's Sanctuary, and nowhere else.

twrI n trY AwvY n jwie ]

aucwrx trY: polw bolo

ttaaree n ttarai aavai n jaae ||

He is not diverted by diversions, comings or goings.

suMn shj mih rihE smwie ]7]

sunn sehaj mehi rehiou samaae ||7||

Remain intuitively absorbed in the celestial void. ||7||

mn mDy jwnY jy koie ]

aucwrx m`Dy

man madhhae jaanai jae koe ||

One who knows the Lord in the mind

jo bolY so AwpY hoie ]

jo bolai so aapai hoe ||

Whatever he says, comes to pass.

joiq mMiqR min AsiQru krY ]

joth manthr man asathhir karai ||

One who firmly implants the Lord's Divine Light, and His Mantra within the mind

kih kbIr so pRwnI qrY ]8]1]

kehi kabeer so praanee tharai ||8||1||

- says Kabeer, such a mortal crosses over to the other side. ||8||1||