SGGSAng 1162Raag BhaironBhagat Kabir Jio8 linesBhagat Kabir Ji

gMg guswiein gihr gMBIr ]

gang gusaaein gehir ganbheer ||

The mother Ganges is deep and profound.

jµjIr bWiD kir Kry kbIr ]1]

aucwrx Kry: polw bolo

janjeer baandhh kar kharae kabeer ||1||

Tied up in chains, they took Kabeer there. ||1||

mnu n ifgY qnu kwhy kau frwie ]

man n ddigai than kaahae ko ddaraae ||

My mind was not shaken; why should my body be afraid?

crn kml icqu rihE smwie ] rhwau ]

charan kamal chith rehiou samaae || rehaao ||

My consciousness remained immersed in the Lotus Feet of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

gMgw kI lhir myrI tutI jµjIr ]

gangaa kee lehar maeree ttuttee janjeer ||

The waves of the Ganges broke the chains,

imRgCwlw pr bYTy kbIr ]2]

mrigashhaalaa par baithae kabeer ||2||

And Kabeer was seated on a deer skin. ||2||

kih kµbIr koaU sMg n swQ ]

aucwrx kµbIr: it`pI sihq bolo

kehi kanbeer kooo sang n saathh ||

Says Kabeer, I have no friend or companion.

jl Ql rwKn hY rGunwQ ]3]10]18]

jal thhal raakhan hai raghunaathh ||3||10||18||

On the water, and on the land, the Lord is my Protector. ||3||10||18||