SGGSAng 772Raag SuhiChhant Mahalla 325 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

sUhI mhlw 3 ]

aucwrx sUhI mh`lw qIjw

soohee mehalaa 3 ||

Shalok, Third Mehl:

soihlVw hir rwm nwmu gur sbdI vIcwry rwm ]

sohilarraa har raam naam gur sabadhee veechaarae raam ||

The song of joy is the Naam the Name of the Lord; contemplate it through the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

hir mnu qno gurmuiK BIjY rwm nwmu ipAwry rwm ]

har man thano guramukh bheejai raam naam piaarae raam ||

The mind and body of the Gurmukh is drenched with the Lord, the Beloved Lord.

rwm nwmu ipAwry siB kul auDwry rwm nwmu muiK bwxI ]

raam naam piaarae sabh kul oudhhaarae raam naam mukh baanee ||

Through the Name of the Beloved Lord,all one's ancestors and generations are redeemed; chant the Lord's Name with your mouth.

Awvx jwx rhy suKu pwieAw Gir Anhd suriq smwxI ]

aavan jaan rehae sukh paaeiaa ghar anehadh surath samaanee ||

Comings and goings cease, peace is obtained, and in the home of the heart, one's awareness is absorbed in the unstruck melody of the sound current.

hir hir eyko pwieAw hir pRBu nwnk ikrpw Dwry ]

har har eaeko paaeiaa har prabh naanak kirapaa dhhaarae ||

I have found the One and only Lord, Har, Har. The Lord God has showered His Mercy upon Nanak.

soihlVw hir rwm nwmu gur sbdI vIcwry ]1]

sohilarraa har raam naam gur sabadhee veechaarae ||1||

The song of joy is the Naam, the Name of the Lord; through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, contemplate it. ||1||

hm nIvI pRBu Aiq aUcw ikau kir imilAw jwey rwm ]

aucwrx Aiq: polw bolo

ham neevee prabh ath oochaa kio kar miliaa jaaeae raam ||

I am lowly, and God is lofty and exalted. How will I ever meet Him?

guir mylI bhu ikrpw DwrI hir kY sbid suBwey rwm ]

aucwrx suBwey: 'B' nUµ 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj

gur maelee bahu kirapaa dhhaaree har kai sabadh subhaaeae raam ||

The Guru has very mercifully blessed me and united me with the Lord; through the Shabad, the Word of the Lord, I am lovingly embellished.

imlu sbid suBwey Awpu gvwey rMg isau rlIAw mwxy ]

aucwrx suBwey: 'B' nUµ 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj

mil sabadh subhaaeae aap gavaaeae rang sio raleeaa maanae ||

Merging in the Word of the Shabad, I am lovingly embellished; my ego is eradicated, and I revel in joyous love.

syj suKwlI jw pRBu BwieAw hir hir nwim smwxy ]

saej sukhaalee jaa prabh bhaaeiaa har har naam samaanae ||

My bed is so comfortable, since I became pleasing to God; I am absorbed in the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.

nwnk sohwgix sw vfBwgI jy clY siqgur Bwey ]

aucwrx c`lY

naanak sohaagan saa vaddabhaagee jae chalai sathigur bhaaeae ||

O Nanak, that soul bride is so very blessed, who walks in harmony with the True Guru's Will.

hm nIvI pRBu Aiq aUcw ikau kir imilAw jwey rwm ]2]

aucwrx Aiq: polw bolo

ham neevee prabh ath oochaa kio kar miliaa jaaeae raam ||2||

I am lowly, and God is lofty and exalted. How will I ever meet Him? ||2||

Git Gty sBnw ivic eyko eyko rwm Bqwro rwm ]

ghatt ghattae sabhanaa vich eaeko eaeko raam bhathaaro raam ||

In each and every heart, and deep within all, is the One Lord, the Husband Lord of all.

iekn@w pRBu dUir vsY iekn@w min AwDwro rwm ]

eikanaa prabh dhoor vasai eikanaa man aadhhaaro raam ||

God dwells far away from some, while for others, He is the Support of the mind.

ieknw mn AwDwro isrjxhwro vfBwgI guru pwieAw ]

eikanaa man aadhhaaro sirajanehaaro vaddabhaagee gur paaeiaa ||

For some, the Creator Lord is the Support of the mind; He is obtained by great good fortune, through the Guru.

Git Git hir pRBu eyko suAwmI gurmuiK AlKu lKwieAw ]

aucwrx Al`Ku

ghatt ghatt har prabh eaeko suaamee guramukh alakh lakhaaeiaa ||

The One Lord God, the Master, is in each and every heart; the Gurmukh sees the unseen.

shjy Andu hoAw mnu mwinAw nwnk bRhm bIcwro ]

aucwrx bRhm: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo

sehajae anadh hoaa man maaniaa naanak breham beechaaro ||

The mind is satisfied, in natural ecstasy, O Nanak, contemplating God.

Git Gty sBnw ivic eyko eyko rwm Bqwro rwm ]3]

ghatt ghattae sabhanaa vich eaeko eaeko raam bhathaaro raam ||3||

In each and every heart, and deep within all, is the One Lord, the Husband Lord of all. ||3||

guru syvin siqguru dwqw hir hir nwim smwieAw rwm ]

gur saevan sathigur dhaathaa har har naam samaaeiaa raam ||

Those who serve the Guru, the True Guru, the Giver, merge in the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.

hir DUiV dyvhu mY pUry gur kI hm pwpI mukqu krwieAw rwm ]

har dhhoorr dhaevahu mai poorae gur kee ham paapee mukath karaaeiaa raam ||

O Lord, please bless me with the dust of the feet of the Perfect Guru, so that I, a sinner, may be liberated.

pwpI mukqu krwey Awpu gvwey inj Gir pwieAw vwsw ]

paapee mukath karaaeae aap gavaaeae nij ghar paaeiaa vaasaa ||

Even sinners are liberated, by eradicating their egotism; they obtain a home within their own heart.

ibbyk buDI suiK rYix ivhwxI gurmiq nwim pRgwsw ]

bibaek budhhee sukh rain vihaanee guramath naam pragaasaa ||

With clear unerstanding, the night of their lives passes peacefully; through the Guru's Teachings, the Naam is revealed to them.

hir hir Andu BieAw idnu rwqI nwnk hir mIT lgwey ]

har har anadh bhaeiaa dhin raathee naanak har meeth lagaaeae ||

Through the Lord, Har, Har, I am in ecstasy, day and night. O Nanak, the Lord seems sweet.

guru syvin siqguru dwqw hir hir nwim smwey ]4]6]7]5]7]12]

gur saevan sathigur dhaathaa har har naam samaaeae ||4||6||7||5||7||12||

Those who serve the Guru, the True Guru, the Giver, merge in the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||4||6||7||5||7||12||