mwrU mhlw 3 ]
aucwrx mwrU mh`lw qIjw
maaroo mehalaa 3 ||
Maaroo, Third Mehl:
scu swlwhI gihr gMBIrY ]
sach saalaahee gehir ganbheerai ||
I praise the true, profound and unfathomable Lord.
sBu jgu hY iqshI kY cIrY ]
sabh jag hai this hee kai cheerai ||
All the world is in His power.
siB Gt BogvY sdw idnu rwqI Awpy sUK invwsI hy ]1]
sabh ghatt bhogavai sadhaa dhin raathee aapae sookh nivaasee hae ||1||
He enjoys all hearts forever, day and night; He Himself dwells in peace. ||1||
scw swihbu scI nweI ]
sachaa saahib sachee naaee ||
True is the Lord and Master, and True is His Name.
gurprswdI mMin vsweI ]
gur parasaadhee mann vasaaee ||
By Guru's Grace, I enshrine Him in my mind.
Awpy Awie visAw Gt AMqir qUtI jm kI PwsI hy ]2]
aapae aae vasiaa ghatt anthar thoottee jam kee faasee hae ||2||
He Himself has come to dwell deep within the nucleus of my heart; the noose of death has been snapped. ||2||
iksu syvI qY iksu swlwhI ]
kis saevee thai kis saalaahee ||
Whom should I serve, and whom should I praise?
siqguru syvI sbid swlwhI ]
sathigur saevee sabadh saalaahee ||
I serve the True Guru, and praise the Word of the Shabad.
scY sbid sdw miq aUqm AMqir kmlu pRgwsI hy ]3]
aucwrx m`iq
sachai sabadh sadhaa math ootham anthar kamal pragaasee hae ||3||
Through the True Shabad, the intellect is exalted and ennobled forever, and the lotus deep within blossoms forth. ||3||
dyhI kwcI kwgd imkdwrw ]
aucwrx imk-dwrw
dhaehee kaachee kaagadh mikadhaaraa ||
The body is frail and perishable, like paper.
bUMd pvY ibnsY Fhq n lwgY bwrw ]
boondh pavai binasai dtehath n laagai baaraa ||
When the drop of water falls upon it, it crumbles and dissolves instantaneously.
kMcn kwieAw gurmuiK bUJY ijsu AMqir nwmu invwsI hy ]4]
aucwrx kWieAW; bU`JY
kanchan kaaeiaa guramukh boojhai jis anthar naam nivaasee hae ||4||
But the body of the Gurmukh, who understands, is like gold; the Naam, the Name of the Lord, dwells deep within. ||4||
scw caukw suriq kI kwrw ]
sachaa choukaa surath kee kaaraa ||
Pure is that kitchen, which is enclosed by spiritual awareness.
hir nwmu Bojnu scu AwDwrw ]
har naam bhojan sach aadhhaaraa ||
The Lord's Name is my food, and Truth is my support.
sdw iqRpiq pivqRü hY pwvnu ijqu Git hir nwmu invwsI hy ]5]
sadhaa thripath pavithra hai paavan jith ghatt har naam nivaasee hae ||5||
Forever satisfied, sanctified and pure is that person, within whose heart the Lord's Name abides. ||5||
hau iqn bilhwrI jo swcY lwgy ]
ho thin balihaaree jo saachai laagae ||
I am a sacrifice to those who are attached to the Truth.
hir gux gwvih Anidnu jwgy ]
har gun gaavehi anadhin jaagae ||
They sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, and remain awake and aware night and day.
swcw sUKu sdw iqn AMqir rsnw hir ris rwsI hy ]6]
saachaa sookh sadhaa thin anthar rasanaa har ras raasee hae ||6||
True peace fills them forever, and their tongues savor the sublime essence of the Lord. ||6||
hir nwmu cyqw Avru n pUjw ]
har naam chaethaa avar n poojaa ||
I remember the Lord's Name, and no other at all.
eyko syvI Avru n dUjw ]
eaeko saevee avar n dhoojaa ||
I serve the One Lord, and no other at all.
pUrY guir sBu scu idKwieAw scY nwim invwsI hy ]7]
poorai gur sabh sach dhikhaaeiaa sachai naam nivaasee hae ||7||
The Perfect Guru has revealed the whole Truth to me; I dwell in the True Name. ||7||
BRim BRim jonI iPir iPir AwieAw ]
bhram bhram jonee fir fir aaeiaa ||
Wandering, wandering in reincarnation, again and again, he comes into the world.
Awip BUlw jw Ksim BulwieAw ]
aap bhoolaa jaa khasam bhulaaeiaa ||
He is deluded and confused, when the Lord and Master confuses him.
hir jIau imlY qw gurmuiK bUJY cInY sbdu AibnwsI hy ]8]
aucwrx bU`JY
har jeeo milai thaa guramukh boojhai cheenai sabadh abinaasee hae ||8||
He meets with the Dear Lord, when, as Gurmukh, he understands; he remembers the Shabad, the Word of the immortal, eternal Lord God. ||8||
kwim kRoiD Bry hm AprwDI ]
kaam krodhh bharae ham aparaadhhee ||
I am a sinner, overflowing with sexual desire and anger.
ikAw muhu lY bolh nw hm gux n syvw swDI ]
kiaa muhu lai boleh naa ham gun n saevaa saadhhee ||
With what mouth should I speak? I have no virtue, and I have rendered no service.
fubdy pwQr myil lYhu qum Awpy swcu nwmu AibnwsI hy ]9]
ddubadhae paathhar mael laihu thum aapae saach naam abinaasee hae ||9||
I am a sinking stone; please, Lord, unite me with Yourself. Your Name is eternal and imperishable. ||9||
nw koeI kry n krxY jogw ]
naa koee karae n karanai jogaa ||
No one does anything; no one is able to do anything.
Awpy krih krwvih su hoiegw ]
aapae karehi karaavehi s hoeigaa ||
That alone happens, which the Lord Himself does, and causes to be done.
Awpy bKis lYih suKu pwey sdhI nwim invwsI hy ]10]
aapae bakhas laihi sukh paaeae sadh hee naam nivaasee hae ||10||
Those whom He Himself forgives, find peace; they dwell forever in the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||10||
iehu qnu DrqI sbdu bIij Apwrw ]
eihu than dhharathee sabadh beej apaaraa ||
This body is the earth, and the infinite Shabad is the seed.
hir swcy syqI vxju vwpwrw ]
har saachae saethee vanaj vaapaaraa ||
Deal and trade with the True Name alone.
scu Dnu jµimAw qoit n AwvY AMqir nwmu invwsI hy ]11]
sach dhhan janmiaa thott n aavai anthar naam nivaasee hae ||11||
The True wealth increases; it is never exhausted, when the Naam dwells deep within. ||11||
hir jIau AvgixAwry no guxu kIjY ]
har jeeo avaganiaarae no gun keejai ||
O Dear Lord, please bless me, the worthless sinner, with virtue.
Awpy bKis lYih nwmu dIjY ]
aapae bakhas laihi naam dheejai ||
Forgive me, and bless me with Your Name.
gurmuiK hovY so piq pwey iekqu nwim invwsI hy ]12]
guramukh hovai so path paaeae eikath naam nivaasee hae ||12||
One who becomes Gurmukh, is honored; he dwells in the Name of the One Lord alone. ||12||
AMqir hir Dnu smJ n hoeI ]
anthar har dhhan samajh n hoee ||
The wealth of the Lord is deep within one's inner being, but he does not realize it.
gurprswdI bUJY koeI ]
aucwrx bU`JY
gur parasaadhee boojhai koee ||
By Guru's Grace, one comes to understand.
gurmuiK hovY so Dnu pwey sdhI nwim invwsI hy ]13]
guramukh hovai so dhhan paaeae sadh hee naam nivaasee hae ||13||
One who becomes Gurmukh is blessed with this wealth; he lives forever in the Naam. ||13||
Anl vwau Brim BulweI ]
aucwrx Anl: polw bolo (ASuD: An`l)
anal vaao bharam bhulaaee ||
Fire and wind lead him into delusions of doubt.
mwieAw moih suiD n kweI ]
maaeiaa mohi sudhh n kaaee ||
In love and attachment to Maya, he has no understanding at all.
mnmuK AMDy ikCU n sUJY gurmiq nwmu pRgwsI hy ]14]
manamukh andhhae kishhoo n soojhai guramath naam pragaasee hae ||14||
The blind, self-willed manmukh sees nothing; through the Guru's Teachings, the Naam is gloriously revealed. ||14||
mnmuK haumY mwieAw sUqy ]
manamukh houmai maaeiaa soothae ||
The manmukhs are asleep in egotism and Maya.
Apxw Gru n smwlih AMiq ivgUqy ]
apanaa ghar n samaalehi anth vigoothae ||
They do not watch over their own homes, and are ruined in the end.
pr inMdw krih bhu icMqw jwlY duKy duiK invwsI hy ]15]
aucwrx jwlY: polw bolo
par nindhaa karehi bahu chinthaa jaalai dhukhae dhukh nivaasee hae ||15||
They slander others, and burn in great anxiety; they dwell in pain and suffering. ||15||
Awpy krqY kwr krweI ]
aapae karathai kaar karaaee ||
The Creator Himself has created the creation.
Awpy gurmuiK dyie buJweI ]
aucwrx bu`JweI
aapae guramukh dhaee bujhaaee ||
He blesses the Gurmukh with understanding.
nwnk nwim rqy mnu inrmlu nwmy nwim invwsI hy ]16]5]
aucwrx r`qy
naanak naam rathae man niramal naamae naam nivaasee hae ||16||5||
O Nanak, those who are attuned to the Naam - their minds become immaculate; they dwell in the Naam, and only the Naam. ||16||5||