mwrU mhlw 3 ]
aucwrx mwrU mh`lw qIjw
maaroo mehalaa 3 ||
Maaroo, Third Mehl:
eyko syvI sdw iQru swcw ]
eaeko saevee sadhaa thhir saachaa ||
I serve the One Lord, who is eternal, stable and True.
dUjY lwgw sBu jgu kwcw ]
dhoojai laagaa sabh jag kaachaa ||
Attached to duality, the whole world is false.
gurmqI sdw scu swlwhI swcy hI swic pqIjY hy ]1]
aucwrx gurm`qI
guramathee sadhaa sach saalaahee saachae hee saach patheejai hae ||1||
Following the Guru's Teachings, I praise the True Lord forever, pleased with the Truest of the True. ||1||
qyry gux bhuqy mY eyku n jwqw ]
thaerae gun bahuthae mai eaek n jaathaa ||
Your Glorious Virtues are so many, Lord; I do not know even one.
Awpy lwie ley jgjIvnu dwqw ]
aapae laae leae jagajeevan dhaathaa ||
The Life of the world, the Great Giver, attaches us to himself.
Awpy bKsy dy vifAweI gurmiq iehu mnu BIjY hy ]2]
aapae bakhasae dhae vaddiaaee guramath eihu man bheejai hae ||2||
He Himself forgives, and bestows glorious greatness. Following the Guru's Teachings, this mind is delighted. ||2||
mwieAw lhir sbid invwrI ]
maaeiaa lehar sabadh nivaaree ||
The Word of the Shabad has subdued the waves of Maya.
iehu mnu inrmlu haumY mwrI ]
eihu man niramal houmai maaree ||
Egotism has been conquered, and this mind has become immaculate.
shjy gux gwvY rµig rwqw rsnw rwmu rvIjY hy ]3]
aucwrx rwqw: Bwrw krky bolo
sehajae gun gaavai rang raathaa rasanaa raam raveejai hae ||3||
I intuitively sing His Glorious Praises, imbued with the Lord's Love. My tongue chants and savors the Lord's Name. ||3||
myrI myrI krq ivhwxI ]
maeree maeree karath vihaanee ||
Crying out, “Mine, mine!” he spends his life.
mnmuiK n bUJY iPrY ieAwxI ]
aucwrx bU`JY
manamukh n boojhai firai eiaanee ||
The self-willed manmukh does not understand; he wanders around in ignorance.
jmkwlu GVI muhqu inhwly Anidnu Awrjw CIjY hy ]4]
jamakaal gharree muhath nihaalae anadhin aarajaa shheejai hae ||4||
The Messenger of Death watches over him every moment, every instant; night and day, his life is wasting away. ||4||
AMqir loBu krY nhI bUJY ]
aucwrx bU`JY
anthar lobh karai nehee boojhai ||
He practices greed within, and does not understand.
isr aUpir jmkwlu n sUJY ]
sir oopar jamakaal n soojhai ||
He does not see the Messenger of Death hovering over his head.
AYQY kmwxw su AgY AwieAw AMqkwil ikAw kIjY hy ]5]
aithhai kamaanaa s agai aaeiaa anthakaal kiaa keejai hae ||5||
Whatever one does in this world, will come to face him in the hereafter; what can he do at that very last moment? ||5||
jo sic lwgy iqn swcI soie ]
jo sach laagae thin saachee soe ||
Those who are attached to the Truth are true.
dUjY lwgy mnmuiK roie ]
dhoojai laagae manamukh roe ||
The self-willed manmukhs, attached to duality, weep and wail.
duhw isirAw kw Ksmu hY Awpy Awpy gux mih BIjY hy ]6]
aucwrx duhw: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: dohw, dUhw)
dhuhaa siriaa kaa khasam hai aapae aapae gun mehi bheejai hae ||6||
He is the Lord and Master of both worlds; He Himself delights in virtue. ||6||
gur kY sbid sdw jnu sohY ]
gur kai sabadh sadhaa jan sohai ||
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, His humble servant is exalted forever.
nwm rswieix iehu mnu mohY ]
naam rasaaein eihu man mohai ||
This mind is enticed by the Naam, the source of nectar.
mwieAw moh mYlu pqµgu n lwgY gurmqI hir nwim BIjY hy ]7]
aucwrx gurm`qI
maaeiaa moh mail pathang n laagai guramathee har naam bheejai hae ||7||
It is not stained at all by the dirt of attachment to Maya; through the Guru's Teachings, it is pleased and saturated with the Lord's Name. ||7||
sBnw ivic vrqY ieku soeI ]
sabhanaa vich varathai eik soee ||
The One Lord is contained within all.
gurprswdI prgtu hoeI ]
gur parasaadhee paragatt hoee ||
By Guru's Grace, He is revealed.
haumY mwir sdw suKu pwieAw nwie swcY AMimRqu pIjY hy ]8]
houmai maar sadhaa sukh paaeiaa naae saachai anmrith peejai hae ||8||
One who subdues his ego, finds lasting peace; he drinks in the Ambrosial Nectar of the True Name. ||8||
iklibK dUK invwrxhwrw ]
kilabikh dhookh nivaaranehaaraa ||
God is the Destroyer of sin and pain.
gurmuiK syivAw sbid vIcwrw ]
guramukh saeviaa sabadh veechaaraa ||
The Gurmukh serves Him, and contemplates the Word of the Shabad.
sBu ikCu Awpy Awip vrqY gurmuiK qnu mnu BIjY hy ]9]
sabh kishh aapae aap varathai guramukh than man bheejai hae ||9||
He Himself is pervading everything. The Gurmukh's body and mind are saturated and pleased. ||9||
mwieAw Agin jlY sµswry ]
aucwrx jlY: polw bolo
maaeiaa agan jalai sansaarae ||
The world is burning in the fire of Maya.
gurmuiK invwrY sbid vIcwry ]
guramukh nivaarai sabadh veechaarae ||
The Gurmukh extinguishes this fire, by contemplating the Shabad.
AMqir sWiq sdw suKu pwieAw gurmqI nwmu lIjY hy ]10]
aucwrx gurm`qI
anthar saanth sadhaa sukh paaeiaa guramathee naam leejai hae ||10||
Deep within are peace and tranquility, and lasting peace is obtained. Following the Guru's Teachings, one is blessed with the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||10||
ieMdR ieMdRwsix bYTy jm kw Bau pwvih ]
eindhr eindhraasan baithae jam kaa bho paavehi ||
Even Indra, seated upon his throne, is caught in the fear of death.
jmu n CofY bhu krm kmwvih ]
jam n shhoddai bahu karam kamaavehi ||
The Messenger of Death will not spare them, even though they try all sorts of things.
siqguru BytY qw mukiq pweIAY hir hir rsnw pIjY hy ]11]
sathigur bhaettai thaa mukath paaeeai har har rasanaa peejai hae ||11||
When one meets with the True Guru, one is liberated, drinking in and savoring the sublime essence of the Lord, Har, Har. ||11||
mnmuiK AMqir Bgiq n hoeI ]
manamukh anthar bhagath n hoee ||
There is no devotion within the self-willed manmukh.
gurmuiK Bgiq sWiq suKu hoeI ]
guramukh bhagath saanth sukh hoee ||
Through devotional worship, the Gurmukh obtains peace and tranquility.
pivqR pwvn sdw hY bwxI gurmiq AMqru BIjY hy ]12]
pavithr paavan sadhaa hai baanee guramath anthar bheejai hae ||12||
Forever pure and sanctified is the Word of the Guru's Bani; following the Guru's Teachings, one's inner being is drenched in it. ||12||
bRhmw ibsnu mhysu vIcwrI ]
aucwrx bRhmw: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
brehamaa bisan mehaes veechaaree ||
I have considered Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.
qRY gux bDk mukiq inrwrI ]
thrai gun badhhak mukath niraaree ||
They are bound by the three qualities - the three gunas; they are far away from liberation.
gurmuiK igAwnu eyko hY jwqw Anidnu nwmu rvIjY hy ]13]
guramukh giaan eaeko hai jaathaa anadhin naam raveejai hae ||13||
The Gurmukh knows the spiritual wisdom of the One Lord. Night and day, he chants the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||13||
byd pVih hir nwmu n bUJih ]
aucwrx bU`Jih
baedh parrehi har naam n boojhehi ||
He may read the Vedas, but he does not realize the Lord's Name.
mwieAw kwrix piV piV lUJih ]
maaeiaa kaaran parr parr loojhehi ||
For the sake of Maya, he reads and recites and argues.
AMqir mYlu AigAwnI AMDw ikau kir duqru qrIjY hy ]14]
anthar mail agiaanee andhhaa kio kar dhuthar thareejai hae ||14||
The ignorant and blind person is filled with filth within. How can he cross over the impassable world-ocean? ||14||
byd bwd siB AwiK vKwxih ]
baedh baadh sabh aakh vakhaanehi ||
He voices all the controversies of the Vedas,
n AMqru BIjY n sbdu pCwxih ]
n anthar bheejai n sabadh pashhaanehi ||
But his inner being is not saturated or satisfied, and he does not realize the Word of the Shabad.
puMnu pwpu sBu byid idRVwieAw gurmuiK AMimRqu pIjY hy ]15]
punn paap sabh baedh dhrirraaeiaa guramukh anmrith peejai hae ||15||
The Vedas tell all about virtue and vice, but only the Gurmukh drinks in the Ambrosial Nectar. ||15||
Awpy swcw eyko soeI ]
aapae saachaa eaeko soee ||
The One True Lord is all by Himself.
iqsu ibnu dUjw Avru n koeI ]
this bin dhoojaa avar n koee ||
There is no one else except Him.
nwnk nwim rqy mnu swcw sco scu rvIjY hy ]16]6]
aucwrx r`qy
naanak naam rathae man saachaa sacho sach raveejai hae ||16||6||
O Nanak, true is the mind of one who is attuned to the Naam; he speaks Truth, and nothing but Truth. ||16||6||