Bhai Nand Laal JiAng 1Divaan-e-Goya (Ghazals)Divaan-e-Goya (Ghazals)14 linesBhai Nand Lal Ji

AY rui^ qU rOinik bwzwir SmAw

ai rukh thoo raauanik baazaar shamaaa

O Guru! Your face is the reason for the brightness and glamor of the lamp,

ASik ryiz cSim gOhr-bwir SmAw ] 46 ] 1 ]

ashak raez chasham gaauehara-baar shamaaa || 46 || 1 ||

And, it is because of you, that the pearl-showering eyes of the (candle) lamp is shedding tears. (46) (1)

mhrm hr&wiq aU rw gSqw ASq

meharam harafaath oo raa gashathaa ashatha

When you secret qualities became known,

ASk my ryzd idil A&gwir SmwA ] 46 ] 2 ]

ashak mae raezadha, dhil afagaar shamaaa || 46 || 2 ||

The wounded delicate heart of the lamp was shedding tears. (46) (2)

hr kujw rOSn crwgy krdw AMd

har kujaa raauashan charaagae karadhaa andha

Wherever the people have lit a lamp,

X`k guly bUd Asq Az gulzwir SmAw ] 46 ] 3 ]

yak gulae boodh asath az gulazaar shamaaa || 46 || 3 ||

Consider that to be a floweer of the lamp's garden. (46) (3)

qw ikh br-A&ro^qI ru^swir ^ud

thaa kih bara-afarokhathee rukhasaar khudha

Since the time, you have shown the elegance of your face,

mI Svd kurbwin qU sd bwr SmAw ] 46 ] 4 ]

mee shavadh kurabaan thoo sadh baar shamaaa || 46 || 4 ||

The candle lamp, out of endearment, is offering itself as a sacrifice for you hundreds of times. (46) (4)

igrid ru^swir qU Az bihir inswr

giradh rukhasaar thoo az behir nisaara

In order to sacrifice themselves hundred times for your elegant face,

jW brIzd dIdwhwie zwir SmAw ] 46 ] 5 ]

jaan bareezadh dheedhaahaae zaar shamaaa || 46 || 5 ||

The tearful eyes of the candle lamp are pouring their life. (46) (5)

bsik iemSb nwmdI Az ieMqzwr

basak eimashab naamadhee az einthazaara

You did not show up tonight when the light of candle had intense expectation of your arrival,

so^q mihPl cSim AwiqS bwir SmAw ] 46 ] 6 ]

sokhath mehifal chasham aathish baar shamaaa || 46 || 6 ||

Then the fire-sprinkling eye of the lamp burned down the entire gala assembly.? (46) (6)

subh dm goXw qmwiSwie AjIb

subeh dham goyaa thamaashiaae ajeeba

Goyaa says, How wonderful and unusual is the sight in the early morning,

jumlw Awlm ^u&qw E bydwr SmAw ] 46 ] 7 ]

jumalaa aalam khufathaa ou baedhaar shamaaa || 46 || 7 ||

When the whole world is sleeping but the sleeping lamp alone is absolutely awake. (46) (7)