Bhai Nand Laal JiAng 1GanjnamaGanjnama11 linesBhai Nand Lal Ji

vwihgurU jIau sq

vaahiguroo jeeau sat

Waaheguru is the Truth

gurU qyZ bhwdur AW srwpw A&zwl

guroo teg(h) bahaadhur aa(n) saraapaa aphazaal

Guru Teg Bahadur was the storehouse of elevated moralities and virtues,

zInq-Awrwie mihPil jwho jlwl ] 99 ]

zeenata-aarai mahifal jaaho jalaal || 99 ||

And, he was instrumental to enhance the gaiety and pomp and show of the divine parties. (99)

Anvwir h`k Az vjUid pwikS rOSn

anavaar ha'k az vajoodh paakish rauashan

The rays of truth derive their brightness from his sacred torso,

hr do Awlm iz &Yiz &jlS rOSn ] 100 ]

har dho aalam z phaiz phajalash rauashan || 100 ||

And, both the worlds are bright because of his grace and blessings. (100)

h`k Az hmw brBZuzIdgW brZuzIdS

ha'k az hamaa barabhag(h)uzeedhagaa(n) barag(h)uzeedhash

Akaalpurakh chose him fro among His selected elite,

qslImo irzw rw inko sMjIdS ] 101 ]

tasaleemo rizaa raa niko sa(n)jeedhash || 101 ||

And, he considered accepting His will as the loftiest bevahior. (101)

br hr mukbl kbUil ^u`d ArzUdS

bar har mukabal kabool khhu'dh arazoodhash

His status and rank is far higher than those selected accepted ones,

msjUdul AwlmIN iz &jil ^u`d &rmUdS ] 102 ]

masajoodhul aalamee(n) z phajal khhu'dh pharamoodhash || 102 ||

And, with His own benevolence, He made him worshippable in both the worlds. (102)

dsiq hmW-gW bzYil A&zwil aU

dhasat hamaa(n)-gaa(n) bazail aphazaal uoo

Everyone's hand is trying to grab the corner of his beneficent robe,

br sir Anvwir ielim h`k kwil aU ] 103 ]

bar sar anavaar ilam ha'k kaal uoo || 103 ||

And, his message of truth is far more elevated than the glow of divine enlightenment. (103)