Bhai Nand Laal JiAng 1GanjnamaGanjnama35 linesBhai Nand Lal Ji

slqænqy duhm

salatnate dhuham

The Tenth Guru,Guru Gobind Singh Ji

slqænqy duhmS dsq pycy dyvwny dOrgIr

salatnate dhuhamasha, dhasat peche dhevaane dhauarageer

The Tenth Guru, Guru Gobind Singh Ji, had the capability of twisting the arms of the goddess that overpowered the world.

v zybo AwrwieSy jwivdwnI srIr ]

v zebo aaraishe, jaavidhaanee sareer ||

He was sitting on the eternal throne from where he bestowed a special honor to it.

jlvh Awrwey AW nuh mSAæly hæ`kæ &roZ

jalaveh aaraae, aa(n) nuh mashale, h'k pharog(h)

He was the one to exhibit the panorama of the nine-lighted torches displaying the 'truth'

v zulmq zdwey Sby ikzb v droZ ]

v zulamat zadhaae shabe, kizab v dharog(h) ||

and annihilating the night of darkness of lies and untruths.

sulqæwnaul A`vl vl Awi^r

sulataanaula, a'val val aakhhir

The master of this throne was the first and the last monarch

v bwisr aul bwqiæn v`l zwihr ]

v baasir ula, baatin va'l zaahir ||

who was divinely equipped to visualize the interior and exterior happenings.

muS-qihr swzy kæudsI ieAæ-jwz

musha-tahir saaze, kudhasee ia-jaaz

He was the one to expose the instruments of sacred miracles

v Az hr qæwAæq v i^dmq by-inAwz ]

v az har taata, v khhidhamat be-niaaz ||

and to lighten the principles of service for the All-powerful Waaheguru and meditation.

Syrwny A&vwzy mnsUrh AS X`kw-qwz

sheraane aphavaaze, manasooreh asha, ya'kaa-taaz

His brave victorious tiger-like valiant soldiers would overshadow every place in every instant.

v ilvwie Aæwlm kuSwieS nusrq qærwz ]

v livai aalam kushaisha, nusarat traaz ||

His redeeming and emancipating flag was adorned with victory at its borders.

kw&y &wrsI Az nwmy hæ`kæ ie^-iqqwmS gyqI isqW

kaaphe phaarasee, az naame h'k ikhha-titaamasha, getee sitaa(n)

The eternal truth-depicting Farsi 'Kaaf' (Gaaf) in his name is the one to overcome and conquer the whole world;

v vwvy bwdI vwisqæwey kiæAæwmy zmIno zmW ]

v vaave baadhee, vaasitaae kiaame zameeno zamaa(n) ||

the first 'Vaayo' is to connect the positions of the earth and the world.

bwey Abd bkæwies b^iSMd-hey pnwihMd-gW

baae abadh bakaisa, bakhhashi(n)dha-he panaahi(n)dha-gaa(n)

The 'Bay' of immortal life is the one to pardon and bless the refugees;

v SmImy nUny humwXUnS nvwizMd-hey ipRsqMd-gW ]

v shameeme, noone humaayoonasha; navaazi(n)dha-he pirasata(n)dha-gaa(n) ||

the aroma of the sacred 'Noon' in his name will honor the meditators.

dwly srwpw Aæzmq v iejlwlS dwm gusly mrg

dhaale saraapaa, azamat v ijalaalasha, dhaam gusale marag

The 'Daal' in his name, representing his virtues and gaiety, will break the snare of death

v sIny srwpw vwlw qmkInS srmwie-Awey hr swz v brg ]

v seene, saraapaa vaalaa tamakeenasha; saramai-aae, har saaz v barag ||

and his highly impressive 'Seen' is the asset of life.

bUey nUny dwiemw ndImy subhæwnI

booe noone, dhaimaa nadheeme subahaanee

The 'Noon' in his name is the congregationalist of the Omnipotent;

v swnI kw&y AæjmIXS jW-guzwey bwdIAw pYmwXWny by&rmwnI ]

v saanee, kaaphe ajameeyash jaa(n)-guzaae; baadheeaa paimaayaa(n)ne bepharamaanee ||

and the second Farsi 'Kaaf' (Gaaf) is the one to decompose the lives of those strayed in the jungles of non-obedience.

hwey Awi^rIn bwdI hwdI-aul konYny br hæ`kæ ]

haae aakhhireen baadhee; haadhee-aul konaine bar h'k ||

The last 'Hay' is the true guide to steer to the right path in both the worlds

v kosy hdwXq v ierSwdS br nuh qbkæ ]

v kose, hadhaayat v irashaadhasha; bar nuh tabak ||

and the big drums of his teachings and command is resounding over the nine skies.

sd hzwrW sulm v suds i^dmq-guzI

sadh hazaaraa(n); sulam v sudhasa, khhidhamata-guzee

People from the three universes and six directions are at his beck and call;

v suds hzwrW rubAæ v iqsAæ ^wik-nSIN ]

v sudhas hazaaraa(n); ruba v tisa, khhaaki-nashee(n) ||

Thousands from the four oceans and nine cosmos

sd hzwrW ASr v sulm v slwsUn sqwieMd-hey bwrgwhS

sadh hazaaraa(n), ashar v sulama, v salaasoona; satai(n)dha-he baaragaahash

and millions from the ten directions appreciate and praise his divine court;

sd hzwrW eISr v bRhmW b AærS v kursI ^wihMd-hey pnwhS ]

sadh hazaaraa(n), ieeshar v brahamaa(n), b arash v kurasee; khhaahi(n)dha-he panaahash ||

Millions of Ishars, Brahmaas, Arshes, and Kurshes are anxious to seek his patronage and protection,

v sd hzwrW Awsmwn v zmIn hælkæh b-goSy AW-nsq

v sadh hazaaraa(n), aasamaan v zameena; hlakh ba-goshe aa(n)-nasat

and millions of earths and skies are his slaves.

v sd hzwrW Aw&qwb v mwh i^lAæq poSy AW-nsq ]

v sadh hazaaraa(n), aaphataab v maaha; khhilat poshe aa(n)-nasat ||

Hundreds of thousands of suns and moons have earned the blessings of wearing the robes bestowed by him,

sd hzwrW AærS v kursI dwZdwr v Zulwmy nwmS

sadh hazaaraa(n), arash v kurasee; dhaag(h)dhaar v g(h)ulaame naamash

and millions of skies and universes are captives of his Naam and are suffering from his separation.

v sd hzwrW rwm v rwjw v kwnH v ik®Sn ^wik bosy Akæ-dwmS ]

v sadh hazaaraa(n), raam v raajaa; v kaanh v kirashana, khhaak bose ak-dhaamash ||

Similarly, millions of Ramas, Rajas, Kahans and Krishnas are putting the dust of his lotus feet on their foreheads

sd hzwrW mukæibly ^wsy hæmdIXq sqwieS-grS

sadh hazaaraa(n); mukbile khhaase hmadheeyata, sataisha-garash

and thousands of the accepted and selected ones are reciting his eclat with their thousands of tongues.

v sd hzwrW ndIm bwrgwhy AhædIXq cwkry &rmW-brS ]

v sadh hazaaraa(n), nadheem baaragaahe ahdheeyata; chaakare pharamaa(n)-barash ||

and thousands of accept his orders and act in his service

v sd hzwrW ieMdr v mwry hzwr zbwnS ]

v sadh hazaaraa(n), i(n)dhar v maare; hazaar zabaanash ||

and thousands of Indras and Sheshnagas praise him

sd hzwrW eISr v bRhmW AækæIdq pXohS ]

sadh hazaaraa(n), ieeshar v brahamaa(n); akeedhat payohash ||

Millions of Ishars and Brahmas are his adherents

v sd hzwrW au`my kæudsI dr i^dmqS ]

v sadh hazaaraa(n), u'me kudhasee; dhar khhidhamatash ||

and millions of sacred mothers, the true powers of organizing the earths and the skies,

v sd hzwrW kædr v kæudrq pzIrS-gry qæwAæqS ]104]

v sadh hazaaraa(n), kdhar v kudharata; pazeerasha-gare taatash ||104||

are standing in his service and millions of powers are accepting his commands. (104)