SGGSAng 1158Raag BhaironBhagat Kabir Jio14 linesBhagat Kabir Ji

mYlw bRhmw mYlw ieMdu ]

aucwrx bRhmw: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo

mailaa brehamaa mailaa eindh ||

Brahma is polluted, and Indra is polluted.

riv mYlw mYlw hY cMdu ]1]

rav mailaa mailaa hai chandh ||1||

The sun is polluted, and the moon is polluted. ||1||

mYlw mlqw iehu sMswru ]

mailaa malathaa eihu sansaar ||

This world is polluted with pollution.

ieku hir inrmlu jw kw AMqu n pwru ]1] rhwau ]

eik har niramal jaa kaa anth n paar ||1|| rehaao ||

Only the One Lord is Immaculate; He has no end or limitation. ||1||Pause||

mYly bRhmMfwie kY eIs ]

aucwrx bRhmMfwie: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo

mailae brehamanddaae kai ees ||

The rulers of kingdoms are polluted.

mYly inis bwsur idn qIs ]2]

mailae nis baasur dhin thees ||2||

Nights and days, and the days of the month are polluted. ||2||

mYlw moqI mYlw hIru ]

mailaa mothee mailaa heer ||

The pearl is polluted, the diamond is polluted.

mYlw pvnu pwvku Aru nIru ]3]

mailaa poun paavak ar neer ||3||

Wind, fire and water are polluted. ||3||

mYly isv sµkrw mhys ]

mailae siv sankaraa mehaes ||

Shiva, Shankara and Mahaysh are polluted.

mYly isD swiDk Aru ByK ]4]

aucwrx is`D

mailae sidhh saadhhik ar bhaekh ||4||

The Siddhas, seekers and strivers, and those who wear religious robes, are polluted. ||4||

mYly jogI jµgm jtw shyiq ]

aucwrx jtw: polw bolo

mailae jogee jangam jattaa sehaeth ||

The Yogis and wandering hermits with their matted hair are polluted.

mYlI kwieAw hMs smyiq ]5]

aucwrx kWieAW

mailee kaaeiaa hans samaeth ||5||

The body, along with the swan-soul, is polluted. ||5||

kih kbIr qy jn prvwn ]

kehi kabeer thae jan paravaan ||

Says Kabeer, those humble beings are approved and pure,

inrml qy jo rwmih jwn ]6]3]

niramal thae jo raamehi jaan ||6||3||

Who know the Lord. ||6||3||