SGGSAng 361Raag AsaMahalla 319 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

Awsw mhlw 3 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw qIjw

aasaa mehalaa 3 ||

Aasaa, Third Mehl:

siqgur ivic vfI vifAweI ]

sathigur vich vaddee vaddiaaee ||

Great is the greatness of the True Guru;

icrI ivCuµny myil imlweI ]

chiree vishhunnae mael milaaee ||

He merges in His Merger, those who have been separated for so long.

Awpy myly myil imlwey ]

aapae maelae mael milaaeae ||

He Himself merges the merged in His Merger.

AwpxI kImiq Awpy pwey ]1]

aapanee keemath aapae paaeae ||1||

He Himself knows His own worth. ||1||

hir kI kImiq ikn ibiD hoie ]

har kee keemath kin bidhh hoe ||

How can anyone appraise the Lord's worth?

hir Aprµpru Agm Agocru gur kY sbid imlY jnu koie ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx Ap-rµpru

har aparanpar agam agochar gur kai sabadh milai jan koe ||1|| rehaao ||

Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, one may merge with the Infinite, Unapproachable and Incomprehensible Lord. ||1||Pause||

gurmuiK kImiq jwxY koie ]

guramukh keemath jaanai koe ||

Few are the Gurmukhs who know His worth.

ivrly krim prwpiq hoie ]

viralae karam paraapath hoe ||

How rare are those who receive the Lord's Grace.

aUcI bwxI aUcw hoie ]

oochee baanee oochaa hoe ||

Through the Sublime Bani of His Word, one becomes sublime.

gurmuiK sbid vKwxY koie ]2]

guramukh sabadh vakhaanai koe ||2||

The Gurmukh chants the Word of the Shabad. ||2||

ivxu nwvY duKu drdu srIir ]

vin naavai dhukh dharadh sareer ||

Without the Name, the body suffers in pain;

siqguru Byty qw auqrY pIr ]

sathigur bhaettae thaa outharai peer ||

But when one meets the True Guru, then that pain is removed.

ibnu gur Byty duKu kmwie ]

bin gur bhaettae dhukh kamaae ||

Without meeting the Guru, the mortal earns only pain.

mnmuiK bhuqI imlY sjwie ]3]

manamukh bahuthee milai sajaae ||3||

The self-willed manmukh receives only more punishment. ||3||

hir kw nwmu mITw Aiq rsu hoie ]

aucwrx Aiq: polw bolo

har kaa naam meethaa ath ras hoe ||

The essence of the Lord's Name is so very sweet;

pIvq rhY pIAwey soie ]

peevath rehai peeaaeae soe ||

He alone drinks it, whom the Lord causes to drink it.

gur ikrpw qy hir rsu pwey ]

gur kirapaa thae har ras paaeae ||

By Guru's Grace, the essence of the Lord is obtained.

nwnk nwim rqy giq pwey ]4]3]42]

aucwrx r`qy

naanak naam rathae gath paaeae ||4||3||42||

O Nanak, imbued with the Naam, the Name of the Lord, salvation is attained. ||4||3||42||