SGGSAng 361Raag AsaMahalla 319 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

Awsw mhlw 3 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw qIjw

aasaa mehalaa 3 ||

Aasaa, Third Mehl:

sbid muAw ivchu Awpu gvwie ]

aucwrx muAw: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: mUAw, moAw)

sabadh muaa vichahu aap gavaae ||

One who dies in the Word of the Shabad, eradicates his self-conceit from within.

siqguru syvy iqlu n qmwie ]

sathigur saevae thil n thamaae ||

He serves the True Guru, with no iota of self-interest.

inrBau dwqw sdw min hoie ]

nirabho dhaathaa sadhaa man hoe ||

The Fearless Lord, the Great Giver, ever abides in his mind.

scI bwxI pwey Bwig koie ]1]

sachee baanee paaeae bhaag koe ||1||

The True Bani of the Word is obtained only by good destiny. ||1||

gux sMgRhu ivchu Aaugux jwih ]

gun sangrahu vichahu aougun jaahi ||

So gather merits, and let your demerits depart from within you.

pUry gur kY sbid smwih ]1] rhwau ]

poorae gur kai sabadh samaahi ||1|| rehaao ||

You shall be absorbed into the Shabad, the Word of the Perfect Guru. ||1||Pause||

guxw kw gwhku hovY so gux jwxY ]

gunaa kaa gaahak hovai so gun jaanai ||

One who purchases merits, knows the value of these merits.

AMimRq sbid nwmu vKwxY ]

anmrith sabadh naam vakhaanai ||

He chants the Ambrosial Nectar of the Word, and the Name of the Lord.

swcI bwxI sUcw hoie ]

saachee baanee soochaa hoe ||

Through the True Bani of the Word, he becomes pure.

gux qy nwmu prwpiq hoie ]2]

gun thae naam paraapath hoe ||2||

Through merit, the Name is obtained. ||2||

gux Amolk pwey n jwih ]

gun amolak paaeae n jaahi ||

The invaluable merits cannot be acquired.

min inrml swcY sbid smwih ]

man niramal saachai sabadh samaahi ||

The pure mind is absorbed into the True Word of the Shabad.

sy vfBwgI ijn nwmu iDAwieAw ]

sae vaddabhaagee jinh naam dhhiaaeiaa ||

How very fortunate are those who meditate on the Naam,

sdw guxdwqw mMin vswieAw ]3]

sadhaa gunadhaathaa mann vasaaeiaa ||3||

And ever enshrine in their minds the Lord, the Giver of merit. ||3||

jo gux sµgRhY iqn@ bilhwrY jwau ]

jo gun sangrehai thinh balihaarai jaao ||

I am a sacrifice to those who gather merits.

dir swcY swcy gux gwau ]

dhar saachai saachae gun gaao ||

At the Gate of Truth, I sing the Glorious Praises of the True One.

Awpy dyvY shij suBwie ]

aucwrx suBwie: 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj

aapae dhaevai sehaj subhaae ||

He Himself spontaneously bestows His gifts.

nwnk kImiq khxu n jwie ]4]2]41]

naanak keemath kehan n jaae ||4||2||41||

O Nanak, the value of the Lord cannot be described. ||4||2||41||