Awsw ]
aasaa ||
jau mY rUp kIey bhuqyry Ab Puin rUpu n hoeI ]
jo mai roop keeeae bahuthaerae ab fun roop n hoee ||
In the past, I have taken many forms, but I shall not take form again.
qwgw qMqu swju sBu Qwkw rwm nwm bis hoeI ]1]
thaagaa thanth saaj sabh thhaakaa raam naam bas hoee ||1||
The strings and wires of the musical instrument are worn out, and I am in the power of the Lord's Name. ||1||
Ab moih nwcno n AwvY ]
ab mohi naachano n aavai ||
Now, I no longer dance to the tune.
myrw mnu mMdrIAw n bjwvY ]1] rhwau ]
maeraa man mandhareeaa n bajaavai ||1|| rehaao ||
My mind no longer beats the drum. ||1||Pause||
kwmu kRoDu mwieAw lY jwrI iqRsnw gwgir PUtI ]
kaam krodhh maaeiaa lai jaaree thrisanaa gaagar foottee ||
I have burnt away sexual desire, anger and attachment to Maya, and the pitcher of my desires has burst.
kwm colnw BieAw hY purwnw gieAw Brmu sBu CUtI ]2]
kaam cholanaa bhaeiaa hai puraanaa gaeiaa bharam sabh shhoottee ||2||
The gown of sensuous pleasures is worn out, and all my doubts have been dispelled. ||2||
srb BUq eykY kir jwinAw cUky bwd ibbwdw ]
sarab bhooth eaekai kar jaaniaa chookae baadh bibaadhaa ||
I look upon all beings alike, and my conflict and strife are ended.
kih kbIr mY pUrw pwieAw Bey rwm prswdw ]3]6]28]
kehi kabeer mai pooraa paaeiaa bheae raam parasaadhaa ||3||6||28||
Says Kabeer, when the Lord showed His Favor, I obtained Him, the Perfect One. ||3||6||28||