SGGSAng 334Raag GauriKabir Ji12 linesBhagat Kabir Ji

rwgu gauVI pUrbI kbIr jI

raag gourree poorabee kabeer jee ||

Raag Gauree Poorbee, Kabeer Jee:

<> siqgur pRswid ]

aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr

ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

jh kCu Ahw qhw ikCu nwhI pMc qqu qh nwhI ]

jeh kashh ahaa thehaa kishh naahee panch thath theh naahee ||

Where something existed, now there is nothing. The five elements are no longer there.

ieVw ipMgulw suKmn bµdy ey Av gn kq jwhI ]1]

aucwrx Av gn: ieQy v`Krw bolo

eirraa pingulaa sukhaman bandhae eae avagan kath jaahee ||1||

The Ida, the Pingala and the Sushmanaa - O human being, how can the breaths through these be counted now? ||1||

qwgw qUtw ggnu ibnis gieAw qyrw bolqu khw smweI ]

thaagaa thoottaa gagan binas gaeiaa thaeraa bolath kehaa samaaee ||

The string has been broken, and the Sky of the Tenth Gate has been destroyed. Where has your speech gone?

eyh sMsw mokau Anidnu ibAwpY mokau ko n khY smJweI ]1] rhwau ]

eaeh sansaa mo ko anadhin biaapai mo ko ko n kehai samajhaaee ||1|| rehaao ||

This cynicism afflicts me, night and day; who can explain this to me and help me understand? ||1||Pause||

jh brBµfu ipMfu qh nwhI rcnhwru qh nwhI ]

jeh barabhandd pindd theh naahee rachanehaar theh naahee ||

Where the world is - the body is not there; the mind is not there either.

joVnhwro sdw AqIqw ieh khIAY iksu mwhI ]2]

jorranehaaro sadhaa atheethaa eih keheeai kis maahee ||2||

The Joiner is forever unattached; now, within whom is the soul said to be contained? ||2||

joVI juVY n qoVI qUtY jb lgu hoie ibnwsI ]

jorree jurrai n thorree thoottai jab lag hoe binaasee ||

By joining the elements, people cannot join them, and by breaking, they cannot be broken, until the body perishes.

kw ko Twkuru kw ko syvku ko kwhU kY jwsI ]3]

aucwrx kw ko: v`Krw krky

kaa ko thaakur kaa ko saevak ko kaahoo kai jaasee ||3||

Of whom is the soul the master, and of whom is it the servant? Where, and to whom does it go? ||3||

khu kbIr ilv lwig rhI hY jhw bsy idn rwqI ]

kahu kabeer liv laag rehee hai jehaa basae dhin raathee ||

Says Kabeer, I have lovingly focused my attention on that place where the Lord dwells, day and night.

auAw kw mrmu EhI pru jwnY Ehu qau sdw AibnwsI ]4]1]52]

aucwrx auAw: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: aUAw, EAw)

ouaa kaa maram ouhee par jaanai ouhu tho sadhaa abinaasee ||4||1||52||

Only He Himself truly knows the secrets of His mystery; He is eternal and indestructible. ||4||1||52||