Bhai Gurdas JiAng 27Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 277 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

3: murIdW dI pRIiq

Love of the disciples

BvrY vwsu ivxwsu hY iPrdw PulvwVI ]

bhavarai vaasu vinaasu hai dhiradaa phulavaarhee.

The black bee gets perished while enjoying the fragrance in the garden.

jlY pqMgu insMgu hoie kir AiK auGwVI ]

jalai patangu nisangu hoi kari akhi oughaarhee.

Moth fearlessly burns itself on the flame but goes on beholding in the face of the flame up to last.

imrg nwid ibsmwdu hoie iPrdw EjwVI ]

mirag naadi bisamaadu hoi dhiradaa ujaarhee.

Overwhelmed by melody, the deer goes on wandering in the forests.

kuMfI PwQy mC ijau ris jIB ivgwVI ]

koundee dhaaday machh jiu rasi jeebh vigaarhee.

Overpowered by the taste of tongue, the fish itself catches the hook.

hwQix hwQI PwihAw duK shY idhwVI ]

haadani haadee dhaahiaa doukh sahai dihaarhee.

Out of lust for its female, the male elephant gets caught and bears sufferings for the rest of life.

pIr murIdw iprhVI lwie inj Gir qwVI ]3]

peer mureedaa piraharhee laai nij ghari taarhee ||3||

Likewise, the Sikhs of the Guru love their Guru and stablize themselves in their true selves.