Bhai Gurdas JiAng 27Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 277 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

10: s`cI AMg sPlqw

Worth of the limbs

iDRgu isru jo gur nw invY gur lgY n crxI ]

dhrigu siru jo gur n nivai gur lagai n charanee.

Cursed is the head that bows not before the Guru and touches not his feet.

iDRgu loieix gur drs ivxu vyKY pr qrxI ]

dhrigu loini gur daras vinu vaykhai par taranee.

Cursed are the eyes who instead of beholding the Guru behold another's wife.

iDRg srvix aupdys ivxu suix suriq n DrxI ]

dhrig saravani oupadays vinu souni surati n dharanee.

Those ears are (also) cursed which do not listen to the sermon of the Guru and do not concentrate upon it'

iDRgu ijhbw gur sbd ivxu hor mMqR ismrxI ]

dhrigu jihabaa gur sabad vinu hor mantr simaranee.

Cursed is that tongue which recites • mantras other than the word of the Guru

ivxu syvw iDRgu hQ pYr hor inhPl krxI ]

vinu sayvaa dhrigu had pair hor nihaphal karanee.

Without service, cursed are the heads, and feet, and useless are other deeds.

pIr murIdW iprhVI suK siqgur srxI ]10]

peer mureedaan piraharhee soukh satigur saranee ||10||

The (true) love is there between the Sikh and the Guru and the real delight is there in the shelter of the Guru.