SGGSAng 1249Raag SarangSarang Ki Vaar Mahalla 46 linesGuru Ram Das Ji

pauVI ]

pourree ||


iesqrI purKY bhu pRIiq imil mohu vDwieAw ]

eisatharee purakhai bahu preeth mil mohu vadhhaaeiaa ||

The husband and wife are very much in love; joining together, their love increases.

puqRü klqRü inq vyKY ivgsY moih mwieAw ]

aucwrx kl`qRü

puthra kalathra nith vaekhai vigasai mohi maaeiaa ||

Gazing on his children and his wife, the man is pleased and attached to Maya.

dyis prdyis Dnu corwie Awix muih pwieAw ]

dhaes paradhaes dhhan choraae aan muhi paaeiaa ||

Stealing the wealth of his own country and other lands, he brings it home and feeds them.

AMiq hovY vYr ivroDu ko skY n CfwieAw ]

anth hovai vair virodhh ko sakai n shhaddaaeiaa ||

In the end, hatred and conflict well up, and no one can save him.

nwnk ivxu nwvY iDRgu mohu ijqu lig duKu pwieAw ]32]

naanak vin naavai dhhrig mohu jith lag dhukh paaeiaa ||32||

O Nanak, without the Name, those loving attachments are cursed; engrossed in them, he suffers in pain. ||32||