SGGSAng 1249Raag SarangSarang Ki Vaar Mahalla 48 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

3 ]

aucwrx mh`lw qIjw

ma 3 ||

Third Mehl:

min Andu BieAw imilAw hir pRIqmu srsy sjx sMq ipAwry ]

aucwrx sr-sy: pUrw 'r' lw ky, kµny rihq bolo

man anadh bhaeiaa miliaa har preetham sarasae sajan santh piaarae ||

My mind is in ecstasy; I have met my Beloved Lord. My beloved friends, the Saints, are delighted.

jo Duir imly n ivCuVih kbhU ij Awip myly krqwry ]

jo dhhur milae n vishhurrehi kabehoo j aap maelae karathaarae ||

Those who are united with the Primal Lord shall never be separated again. The Creator has united them with Himself.

AMqir sbdu rivAw guru pwieAw sgly dUK invwry ]

anthar sabadh raviaa gur paaeiaa sagalae dhookh nivaarae ||

The Shabad permeates my inner being, and I have found the Guru; all my sorrows are dispelled.

hir suKdwqw sdw slwhI AMqir rKW aur Dwry ]

har sukhadhaathaa sadhaa salaahee anthar rakhaan our dhhaarae ||

I praise forever the Lord, the Giver of peace; I keep Him enshrined deep within my heart.

mnmuKu iqn kI bKIlI ik kry ij scY sbid svwry ]

manamukh thin kee bakheelee k karae j sachai sabadh savaarae ||

How can the self-willed manmukh gossip about those who are embellished and exalted in the True Word of the Shabad?

Enw dI Awip piq rKsI myrw ipAwrw srxwgiq pey gur duAwry ]

aucwrx srxw-giq

ounaa dhee aap path rakhasee maeraa piaaraa saranaagath peae gur dhuaarae ||

My Beloved Himself preserves the honor of those who have come to the Guru's Door seeking Sanctuary.

nwnk gurmuiK sy suhyly Bey muK aUjl drbwry ]2]

naanak guramukh sae suhaelae bheae mukh oojal dharabaarae ||2||

O Nanak, the Gurmukhs are filled with joy; their faces are radiant in the Court of the Lord. ||2||