SGGSAng 479Raag AsaSri Kabir Jio13 linesBhagat Kabir Ji

Awsw ]

aasaa ||


bwrh brs bwlpn bIqy bIs brs kCu qpu n kIE ]

aucwrx bwl-pn

baareh baras baalapan beethae bees baras kashh thap n keeou ||

Twelve years pass in childhood, and for another twenty years, he does not practice self-discipline and austerity.

qIs brs kCu dyv n pUjw iPir pCuqwnw ibriD BieE ]1]

thees baras kashh dhaev n poojaa fir pashhuthaanaa biradhh bhaeiou ||1||

For another thirty years, he does not worship God in any way, and then, when he is old, he repents and regrets. ||1||

myrI myrI krqy jnmu gieE ]

maeree maeree karathae janam gaeiou ||

His life wastes away as he cries out, “Mine, mine!”

swieru soiK Bujµ blieE ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx blieE: polw bolo (ASuD: bl`ieE)

saaeir sokh bhujan balaeiou ||1|| rehaao ||

The pool of his power has dried up. ||1||Pause||

sUky srvir pwil bµDwvY lUxY Kyiq hQ vwir krY ]

sookae saravar paal bandhhaavai loonai khaeth hathh vaar karai ||

He makes a dam around the dried-up pool, and with his hands, he makes a fence around the harvested field.

AwieE coru qurµqh ly gieE myrI rwKq mugDu iPrY ]2]

aucwrx mugDu: 'g' nwl bolo (ASuD: muGDu)

aaeiou chor thurantheh lae gaeiou maeree raakhath mugadhh firai ||2||

When the thief of Death comes, he quickly carries away what the fool had tried to preserve as his own. ||2||

crn sIsu kr kµpn lwgy nYnI nIru Aswr bhY ]

charan sees kar kanpan laagae nainee neer asaar behai ||

His feet and head and hands begin to tremble, and the tears flow copiously from his eyes.

ijhvw bcnu suDu nhI inksY qb ry Drm kI Aws krY ]3]

jihavaa bachan sudhh nehee nikasai thab rae dhharam kee aas karai ||3||

His tongue has not spoken the correct words, but now, he hopes to practice religion! ||3||

hir jIau ikRpw krY ilv lwvY lwhw hir hir nwmu lIE ]

har jeeo kirapaa karai liv laavai laahaa har har naam leeou ||

If the Dear Lord shows His Mercy, one enshrines love for Him, and obtains the Profit of the Lord's Name.

gurprswdI hir Dnu pwieE AMqy clidAw nwil cilE ]4]

gur parasaadhee har dhhan paaeiou anthae chaladhiaa naal chaliou ||4||

By Guru's Grace, he receives the wealth of the Lord's Name, which alone shall go with him, when he departs in the end. ||4||

khq kbIr sunhu ry sMqhu Anu Dnu kCUAY lY n gieE ]

kehath kabeer sunahu rae santhahu an dhhan kashhooai lai n gaeiou ||

Says Kabeer, listen, O Saints - he shall not take any other wealth with him.

AweI qlb gopwl rwie kI mwieAw mMdr Coif cilE ]5]2]15]

aaee thalab gopaal raae kee maaeiaa mandhar shhodd chaliou ||5||2||15||

When the summons comes from the King, the Lord of the Universe, the mortal departs, leaving behind his wealth and mansions. ||5||2||15||