SGGSAng 1249Raag SarangSarang Ki Vaar Mahalla 411 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

slok mÚ 3 ]

aucwrx slok mh`lw qIjw

salok ma 3 ||

Shalok, Third Mehl:

prweI Amwx ikau rKIAY idqI hI suKu hoie ]

paraaee amaan kio rakheeai dhithee hee sukh hoe ||

Why keep what is held in trust for another? Giving it back, peace is found.

gur kw sbdu gur QY itkY hor QY prgtu n hoie ]

aucwrx itkY: polw bolo

gur kaa sabadh gur thhai ttikai hor thhai paragatt n hoe ||

The Word of the Guru's Shabad rests in the Guru; it does not appear through anyone else.

AMn@y vis mwxku pieAw Gir Gir vycx jwie ]

annhae vas maanak paeiaa ghar ghar vaechan jaae ||

The blind man finds a jewel, and goes from house to house selling it.

En@w prK n AwveI AFu n plY pwie ]

aucwrx p`lY

ounaa parakh n aavee adt n palai paae ||

But they cannot appraise it, and they do not offer him even half a shell for it.

jy Awip prK n AwveI qW pwrKIAw Qwvhu lieEu prKwie ]

jae aap parakh n aavee thaan paarakheeaa thhaavahu laeio parakhaae ||

If he cannot appraise it himself, then he should have it appraised by an appraiser.

jy Esu nwil icqu lwey qW vQu lhY nauiniD plY pwie ]

aucwrx nau-in`iD; p`lY

jae ous naal chith laaeae thaan vathh lehai no nidhh palai paae ||

If he focuses his consciousness, then he obtains the true object, and he is blessed with the nine treasures.

Gir hoNdY Din jgu BuKw muAw ibnu siqgur soJI n hoie ]

aucwrx muAw: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: mUAw, moAw)

ghar hodhai dhhan jag bhukhaa muaa bin sathigur sojhee n hoe ||

The wealth is within the house, while the world is dying of hunger. Without the True Guru, no one has a clue.

sbdu sIqlu min qin vsY iqQY sogu ivjogu n koie ]

sabadh seethal man than vasai thithhai sog vijog n koe ||

When the cooling and soothing Shabad comes to dwell in the mind and body, there is no sorrow or separation there.

vsqu prweI Awip grbu kry mUrKu Awpu gxwey ]

vasath paraaee aap garab karae moorakh aap ganaaeae ||

The object belongs to someone else, but the fool is proud of it, and shows his shallow nature.

nwnk ibnu bUJy iknY n pwieE iPir iPir AwvY jwey ]1]

aucwrx bU`Jy

naanak bin boojhae kinai n paaeiou fir fir aavai jaaeae ||1||

O Nanak, without understanding, no one obtains it; they come and go in reincarnation, over and over again. ||1||