SGGSAng 351Raag AsaMahalla 119 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pihlw

aasaa mehalaa 1 ||

Aasaa, First Mehl:

mY gux glw ky isir Bwr ]

aucwrx g`lw

mai gun galaa kae sir bhaar ||

My virtue is that I carry the load of my words upon my head.

glI glw isrjxhwr ]

aucwrx g`lI; g`lw

galee galaa sirajanehaar ||

The real words are the Words of the Creator Lord.

Kwxw pIxw hsxw bwid ]

khaanaa peenaa hasanaa baadh ||

How useless are eating, drinking and laughing,

jb lgu irdY n Awvih Xwid ]1]

aucwrx Xwid: 'X' dI ApxI Avwj

jab lag ridhai n aavehi yaadh ||1||

If the Lord is not cherished in the heart! ||1||

qau prvwh kyhI ikAw kIjY ]

tho paravaah kaehee kiaa keejai ||

Why should someone care for anything else,

jnim jnim ikCu lIjI lIjY ]1] rhwau ]

janam janam kishh leejee leejai ||1|| rehaao ||

If throughout his life, he gathers in that which is truly worth gathering? ||1||Pause||

mn kI miq mqwglu mqw ]

aucwrx m`iq; m`qwglu; m`qw

man kee math mathaagal mathaa ||

The intellect of the mind is like a drunken elephant.

jo ikCu bolIAY sBu Kqo Kqw ]

aucwrx Kqo: polw bolo; Kqw: polw bolo

jo kishh boleeai sabh khatho khathaa ||

Whatever one utters is totally false, the most false of the false.

ikAw muhu lY kIcY Ardwis ]

kiaa muhu lai keechai aradhaas ||

So what face should we put on to offer our prayer,

pwpu puMnu duie swKI pwis ]2]

paap punn dhue saakhee paas ||2||

When both virtue and vice are close at hand as witnesses? ||2||

jYsw qUµ krih qYsw ko hoie ]

jaisaa thoon karehi thaisaa ko hoe ||

As You make us, so we become.

quJ ibnu dUjw nwhI koie ]

thujh bin dhoojaa naahee koe ||

Without You, there is no other at all.

jyhI qUµ miq dyih qyhI ko pwvY ]

aucwrx m`iq

jaehee thoon math dhaehi thaehee ko paavai ||

As is the understanding which You bestow, so do we receive.

quDu Awpy BwvY iqvY clwvY ]3]

thudhh aapae bhaavai thivai chalaavai ||3||

As it pleases Your Will, so do You lead us. ||3||

rwg rqn prIAw prvwr ]

raag rathan pareeaa paravaar ||

The divine crystalline harmonies, their consorts, and their celestial families

iqsu ivic aupjY AMimRqu swr ]

this vich oupajai anmrith saar ||

From them, the essence of Ambrosial Nectar is produced.

nwnk krqy kw iehu Dnu mwlu ]

naanak karathae kaa eihu dhhan maal ||

O Nanak, this is the wealth and property of the Creator Lord.

jy ko bUJY eyhu bIcwru ]4]9]

aucwrx bU`JY

jae ko boojhai eaehu beechaar ||4||9||

If only this essential reality were understood! ||4||9||