SGGSAng 529Raag DevgandhariMahalla 57 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

dyvgµDwrI ]

aucwrx dyv-gµDwrI

dhaevagandhhaaree ||


mn sgl isAwnp rhI ]

man sagal siaanap rehee ||

All the cleverness of my mind is gone.

krn krwvnhwr suAwmI nwnk Et ghI ]1] rhwau ]

karan karaavanehaar suaamee naanak outt gehee ||1|| rehaao ||

The Lord and Master is the Doer, the Cause of causes; Nanak holds tight to His Support. ||1||Pause||

Awpu myit pey srxweI ieh miq swDU khI ]

aucwrx m`iq

aap maett peae saranaaee eih math saadhhoo kehee ||

Erasing my self-conceit, I have entered His Sanctuary; these are the Teachings spoken by the Holy Guru.

pRB kI AwigAw mwin suKu pwieAw Brmu ADyrw lhI ]1]

prabh kee aagiaa maan sukh paaeiaa bharam adhhaeraa lehee ||1||

Surrendering to the Will of God, I attain peace, and the darkness of doubt is dispelled. ||1||

jwn pRbIn suAwmI pRB myry srix qumwrI AhI ]

jaan prabeen suaamee prabh maerae saran thumaaree ahee ||

I know that You are all-wise, O God, my Lord and Master; I seek Your Sanctuary.

iKn mih Qwip auQwpnhwry kudriq kIm n phI ]2]7]

khin mehi thhaap outhhaapanehaarae kudharath keem n pehee ||2||7||

In an instant, You establish and disestablish; the value of Your Almighty Creative Power cannot be estimated. ||2||7||