Bhai Nand Laal JiAng 1Divaan-e-Goya (Ghazals)Divaan-e-Goya (Ghazals)10 linesBhai Nand Lal Ji

mn Az jvW ik pIr Sudm dr iknwir aumr

man az javaan k peer shudham dhar kinaar oumara

I became old from young in the lap of the 'age',

AY bw-qo ^uS guzSq mrw dr iknwir aumr ] 37 ] 1 ]

ai baa-tho khush guzashath maraa dhar kinaar oumar || 37 || 1 ||

How beautiful was my life that I spent in Your company! I owe the happiness of this journey to your grace!? (37) (1)

dmhwie mWdw rw qU cunIN muZqnm Sumwr

dhamehaae maanadhaa raa thoo chuneen mughathanam shumaara

Consider the remaining breaths of your life as blessed,

Awi^r i^zW br Awvurd eIN nO bhwir aumr ] 37 ] 2 ]

aakhir khizaan bar aavuradh een naau behaar oumar || 37 || 2 ||

Because, it will be the autumn (old age) that will bring the spring (season of youth) of your life one day. (37) (2)

hW mugqnm Sumwr dmy rw b-izkir h`k

haan mugathanam shumaar dhamae raa ba-zikar haka

Yes, consider that moment as blessed that is spent in remembering God,

cUM bwd mIrvd iz nzr dr Sumwr aumr ] 37 ] 3 ]

choon baadh meeravadh z nazar dhar shumaar oumar || 37 || 3 ||

Otherwise, the whole life, while counting your breaths, will disappear just like the air, while we look on. (37) (3)

bwSd rvW cU kw&lwie mOj pY b pY

baashadh ravaan choo kaafalaae maauaj pai b pai

The stream of life is flowing like an ever-moving caravan of tides of time,

Awby ibnoS X`k n&s Az zUie bwir aumr ] 37 ] 4 ]

aabae binosh yak nafas az zooe baar oumar || 37 || 4 ||

If possible, then try to have a momentary sip with every breath from this stream of life (37) (4)

sd kwr krdweI ik nXwied bkwir qU

sadh kaar karadhaaee k nayaaeidh bakaar thoo

Goya says, You have indulged in hundreds of vain chores in life that will not be of any eventual use,

goXw ibkun ik bwz ibAwied bkwir aumr ] 37 ] 5 ]

goyaa bikun k baaz biaaeidh bakaar oumar || 37 || 5 ||

Therefore, engage yourself in such activities that will be useful again and hereafter (37) (5)