SGGSAng 1170Raag BasantMahalla 119 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

bsµqu mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx bsµqu mh`lw pihlw

basanth mehalaa 1 ||

Basant, First Mehl:

Awpy kudriq kry swij ]

aapae kudharath karae saaj ||

By His Creative Power, God fashioned the creation.

scu Awip inbyVy rwju rwij ]

sach aap nibaerrae raaj raaj ||

The King of kings Himself adminsters true justice.

gurmiq aUqm sµig swiQ ]

guramath ootham sang saathh ||

The most sublime Word of the Guru's Teachings is always with us.

hir nwmu rswiexu shij AwiQ ]1]

har naam rasaaein sehaj aathh ||1||

The wealth of the Lord's Name, the source of nectar, is easily acquired. ||1||

mq ibsris ry mn rwm boil ]

aucwrx mq: polw bolo

math bisaras rae man raam bol ||

So chant the Name of the Lord; do not forget it, O my mind.

Aprµpru Agm Agocru gurmuiK hir Awip qulwey Aqulu qoil ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx Ap-rµpru

aparanpar agam agochar guramukh har aap thulaaeae athul thol ||1|| rehaao ||

The Lord is Infinite, Inaccessible and Incomprehensible; His weight cannot be weighed, but He Himself allows the Gurmukh to weigh Him. ||1||Pause||

gur crn sryvih gurisK qor ]

aucwrx s-ryvih

gur charan saraevehi gurasikh thor ||

Your GurSikhs serve at the Guru's Feet.

gur syv qry qij myr qor ]

gur saev tharae thaj maer thor ||

Serving the Guru, they are carried across; they have abandoned any distinction between 'mine' and 'yours'.

nr inMdk loBI min kTor ]

nar nindhak lobhee man kathor ||

The slanderous and greedy people are hard-hearted.

gur syv n BweI is cor cor ]2]

gur saev n bhaaee s chor chor ||2||

Those who do not love to serve the Guru are the most thieving of thieves. ||2||

guru quTw bKsy Bgiq Bwau ]

gur thuthaa bakhasae bhagath bhaao ||

When the Guru is pleased, He blesses the mortals with loving devotional worship of the Lord.

guir quTY pweIAY hir mhil Twau ]

gur thuthai paaeeai har mehal thaao ||

When the Guru is pleased, the mortal obtains a place in the Mansion of the Lord's Presence.

prhir inMdw hir Bgiq jwgu ]

parehar nindhaa har bhagath jaag ||

So renounce slander, and awaken in devotional worship of the Lord.

hir Bgiq suhwvI krim Bwgu ]3]

har bhagath suhaavee karam bhaag ||3||

Devotion to the Lord is wonderful; it comes through good karma and destiny. ||3||

guru myil imlwvY kry dwiq ]

gur mael milaavai karae dhaath ||

The Guru unites in union with the Lord, and grants the gift of the Name.

gurisK ipAwry idnsu rwiq ]

gurasikh piaarae dhinas raath ||

The Guru loves His Sikhs, day and night.

Plu nwmu prwpiq guru quis dyie ]

fal naam paraapath gur thus dhaee ||

They obtain the fruit of the Naam, when the Guru's favor is bestowed.

khu nwnk pwvih ivrly kyie ]4]7]

kahu naanak paavehi viralae kaee ||4||7||

Says Nanak, those who receive it are very rare indeed. ||4||7||