bsµqu mhlw 3 iek qukw ]
aucwrx bsµqu mh`lw qIjw ie`k qukw
basanth mehalaa 3 eik thukaa ||
Basant, Third Mehl, Ik-Tukas:
swihb BwvY syvku syvw krY ]
saahib bhaavai saevak saevaa karai ||
When it pleases our Lord and Master, His servant serves Him.
jIvqu mrY siB kul auDrY ]1]
jeevath marai sabh kul oudhharai ||1||
He remains dead while yet alive, and redeems all his ancestors. ||1||
qyrI Bgiq n Cofau ikAw ko hsY ]
thaeree bhagath n shhoddo kiaa ko hasai ||
I shall not renounce Your devotional worship, O Lord; what does it matter if people laugh at me?
swcu nwmu myrY ihrdY vsY ]1] rhwau ]
saach naam maerai hiradhai vasai ||1|| rehaao ||
The True Name abides within my heart. ||1||Pause||
jYsy mwieAw moih pRwxI glqu rhY ]
aucwrx glqu: polw bolo
jaisae maaeiaa mohi praanee galath rehai ||
Just as the mortal remains engrossed in attachment to Maya,
qYsy sMq jn rwm nwm rvq rhY ]2]
thaisae santh jan raam naam ravath rehai ||2||
So does the Lord's humble Saint remain absorbed in the Lord's Name. ||2||
mY mUrK mugD aUpir krhu dieAw ]
mai moorakh mugadhh oopar karahu dhaeiaa ||
I am foolish and ignorant, O Lord; please be merciful to me.
qau srxwgiq rhau pieAw ]3]
aucwrx srxw-giq
tho saranaagath reho paeiaa ||3||
May I remain in Your Sanctuary. ||3||
khqu nwnku sMswr ky inhPl kwmw ]
kehath naanak sansaar kae nihafal kaamaa ||
Says Nanak, worldly affairs are fruitless.
gurpRswid ko pwvY AMimRq nwmw ]4]8]
gur prasaadh ko paavai anmrith naamaa ||4||8||
Only by Guru's Grace does one receive the Nectar of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||4||8||