bsµqu mhlw 1 ]
aucwrx bsµqu mh`lw pihlw
basanth mehalaa 1 ||
Basant, First Mehl:
myrI sKI shylI sunhu Bwie ]
maeree sakhee sehaelee sunahu bhaae ||
O my friends and companions, listen with love in your heart.
myrw ipru rIswlU sµig swie ]
aucwrx swie: ibMdI rihq bolo
maeraa pir reesaaloo sang saae ||
My Husband Lord is Incomparably Beautiful; He is always with me.
Ehu AlKu n lKIAY khhu kwie ]
aucwrx Al`Ku
ouhu alakh n lakheeai kehahu kaae ||
He is Unseen - He cannot be seen. How can I describe Him?
guir sµig idKwieE rwm rwie ]1]
gur sang dhikhaaeiou raam raae ||1||
The Guru has shown me that my Sovereign Lord God is with me. ||1||
imlu sKI shylI hir gun bny ]
aucwrx bny: polw bolo
mil sakhee sehaelee har gun banae ||
Joining together with my friends and companions, I am adorned with the Lord's Glorious Virtues.
hir pRB sµig Kylih vr kwmin gurmuiK Kojq mn mny ]1] rhwau ]
aucwrx mny: polw bolo
har prabh sang khaelehi var kaaman guramukh khojath man manae ||1|| rehaao ||
The sublime soul-brides play with their Lord God. The Gurmukhs look within themselves; their minds are filled with faith. ||1||Pause||
mnmuKI duhwgix nwih Byau ]
manamukhee dhuhaagan naahi bhaeo ||
The self-willed manmukhs, suffering in separation, do not understand this mystery.
Ehu Git Git rwvY srb pRyau ]
ouhu ghatt ghatt raavai sarab praeo ||
The Beloved Lord of all celebrates in each and every heart.
gurmuiK iQru cIn@Y sµig dyau ]
guramukh thhir cheenai sang dhaeo ||
The Gurmukh is stable, knowing that God is always with him.
guir nwmu idRVwieAw jpu jpyau ]2]
gur naam dhrirraaeiaa jap japaeo ||2||
The Guru has implanted the Naam within me; I chant it, and meditate on it. ||2||
ibnu gur Bgiq n Bwau hoie ]
bin gur bhagath n bhaao hoe ||
Without the Guru, devotional love does not well up within.
ibnu gur sMq n sMgu dyie ]
bin gur santh n sang dhaee ||
Without the Guru, one is not blessed with the Society of the Saints.
ibnu gur AMDuly DMDu roie ]
bin gur andhhulae dhhandhh roe ||
Without the Guru, the blind cry out, entangled in worldly affairs.
mnu gurmuiK inrmlu mlu sbid Koie ]3]
man guramukh niramal mal sabadh khoe ||3||
That mortal who becomes Gurmukh becomes immaculate; the Word of the Shabad washes away his filth. ||3||
guir mnu mwirE kir sµjogu ]
gur man maariou kar sanjog ||
Uniting with the Guru, the mortal conquers and subdues his mind.
Aihinis rwvy Bgiq jogu ]
ahinis raavae bhagath jog ||
Day and night, he savors the Yoga of devotional worship.
gur sMq sBw duKu imtY rogu ]
aucwrx sBw: polw bolo
gur santh sabhaa dhukh mittai rog ||
Associating with the Saint Guru, suffering and sickness are ended.
jn nwnk hir vru shj jogu ]4]6]
jan naanak har var sehaj jog ||4||6||
Servant Nanak merges with his Husband Lord, in the Yoga of intuitive ease. ||4||6||