SGGSAng 1053Raag MaruSolhey Mahalla 349 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

mwrU mhlw 3 ]

aucwrx mwrU mh`lw qIjw

maaroo mehalaa 3 ||

Maaroo, Third Mehl:

so scu syivhu isrjxhwrw ]

so sach saevihu sirajanehaaraa ||

Serve the True Creator Lord.

sbdy dUK invwrxhwrw ]

sabadhae dhookh nivaaranehaaraa ||

The Word of the Shabad is the Destroyer of pain.

Agmu Agocru kImiq nhI pweI Awpy Agm AQwhw hy ]1]

agam agochar keemath nehee paaee aapae agam athhaahaa hae ||1||

He is inaccessible and unfathomable; He cannot be evaluated. He Himself is inaccessible and immeasurable. ||1||

Awpy scw scu vrqwey ]

aapae sachaa sach varathaaeae ||

The True Lord Himself makes Truth pervasive.

ieik jn swcY Awpy lwey ]

eik jan saachai aapae laaeae ||

He attaches some humble beings to the Truth.

swco syvih swcu kmwvih nwmy sic smwhw hy ]2]

saacho saevehi saach kamaavehi naamae sach samaahaa hae ||2||

They serve the True Lord and practice Truth; through the Name, they are absorbed in the True Lord. ||2||

Duir Bgqw myly Awip imlwey ]

dhhur bhagathaa maelae aap milaaeae ||

The Primal Lord unites His devotees in His Union.

scI BgqI Awpy lwey ]

sachee bhagathee aapae laaeae ||

He attaches them to true devotional worship.

swcI bwxI sdw gux gwvY iesu jnmY kw lwhw hy ]3]

saachee baanee sadhaa gun gaavai eis janamai kaa laahaa hae ||3||

One who sings forever the Glorious Praises of the Lord, through the True Word of His Bani, earns the profit of this life. ||3||

gurmuiK vxju krih pru Awpu pCwxih ]

guramukh vanaj karehi par aap pashhaanehi ||

The Gurmukh trades, and understands his own self.

eyks ibnu ko Avru n jwxih ]

eaekas bin ko avar n jaanehi ||

He knows no other than the One Lord.

scw swhu scy vxjwry pUMjI nwmu ivswhw hy ]4]

sachaa saahu sachae vanajaarae poonjee naam visaahaa hae ||4||

True is the banker, and True are His traders, who buy the merchandise of the Naam. ||4||

Awpy swjy isRsit aupwey ]

aapae saajae srisatt oupaaeae ||

He Himself fashions and creates the Universe.

ivrly kau gur sbdu buJwey ]

aucwrx bu`Jwey

viralae ko gur sabadh bujhaaeae ||

He inspires a few to realize the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

siqguru syvih sy jn swcy kwty jm kw Pwhw hy ]5]

sathigur saevehi sae jan saachae kaattae jam kaa faahaa hae ||5||

Those humble beings who serve the True Guru are true. He snaps the noose of death from around their necks. ||5||

BMnY GVy svwry swjy ]

bhannai gharrae savaarae saajae ||

He destroys, creates, embellishes and fashions all beings,

mwieAw moih dUjY jµq pwjy ]

maaeiaa mohi dhoojai janth paajae ||

And attaches them to duality, attachment and Maya.

mnmuK iPrih sdw AMDu kmwvih jm kw jyvVw gil Pwhw hy ]6]

manamukh firehi sadhaa andhh kamaavehi jam kaa jaevarraa gal faahaa hae ||6||

The self-willed manmukhs wander around forever, acting blindly. Death has strung his noose around their necks. ||6||

Awpy bKsy gur syvw lwey ]

aapae bakhasae gur saevaa laaeae ||

He Himself forgives, and enjoins us to serve the Guru.

gurmqI nwmu mMin vswey ]

aucwrx gurm`qI

guramathee naam mann vasaaeae ||

Through the Guru's Teachings, the Naam comes to dwell within the mind.

Anidnu nwmu iDAwey swcw iesu jg mih nwmo lwhw hy ]7]

anadhin naam dhhiaaeae saachaa eis jag mehi naamo laahaa hae ||7||

Night and day, meditate on the Naam, the Name of the True Lord, and earn the profit of the Naam in this world. ||7||

Awpy scw scI nweI ]

aapae sachaa sachee naaee ||

He Himself is True, and True is His Name.

gurmuiK dyvY mMin vsweI ]

guramukh dhaevai mann vasaaee ||

The Gurmukh bestows it, and enshrines it within the mind.

ijn min visAw sy jn sohih iqn isir cUkw kwhw hy ]8]

jin man vasiaa sae jan sohehi thin sir chookaa kaahaa hae ||8||

Noble and exalted are those, within whose mind the Lord abides. Their heads are free of strife. ||8||

Agm Agocru kImiq nhI pweI ]

agam agochar keemath nehee paaee ||

He is inaccessible and unfathomable; His value cannot be appraised.

gurprswdI mMin vsweI ]

gur parasaadhee mann vasaaee ||

By Guru's Grace, He dwells within the mind.

sdw sbid swlwhI guxdwqw lyKw koie n mMgY qwhw hy ]9]

sadhaa sabadh saalaahee gunadhaathaa laekhaa koe n mangai thaahaa hae ||9||

No one calls that person to account, who praises the Word of the Shabad, the Giver of virtue. ||9||

bRhmw ibsnu rudRü iqs kI syvw ]

aucwrx bRhmw: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo

brehamaa bisan rudhra this kee saevaa ||

Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva serve Him.

AMqu n pwvih AlK AByvw ]

aucwrx Al`K

anth n paavehi alakh abhaevaa ||

Even they cannot find the limits of the unseen, unknowable Lord.

ijn kau ndir krih qU ApxI gurmuiK AlKu lKwhw hy ]10]

aucwrx Al`Ku

jin ko nadhar karehi thoo apanee guramukh alakh lakhaahaa hae ||10||

Those who are blessed by Your Glance of Grace, become Gurmukh, and comprehend the incomprehensible. ||10||

pUrY siqguir soJI pweI ]

poorai sathigur sojhee paaee ||

The Perfect True Guru has imparted this understanding.

eyko nwmu mMin vsweI ]

eaeko naam mann vasaaee ||

I have enshrined the Naam, the One Name, within my mind.

nwmu jpI qY nwmu iDAweI mhlu pwie gux gwhw hy ]11]

naam japee thai naam dhhiaaee mehal paae gun gaahaa hae ||11||

I chant the Naam, and meditate on the Naam. Singing His Glorious Praises, I enter the Mansion of the Lord's Presence. ||11||

syvk syvih mMin hukmu Apwrw ]

saevak saevehi mann hukam apaaraa ||

The servant serves, and obeys the Command of the Infinite Lord.

mnmuK hukmu n jwxih swrw ]

manamukh hukam n jaanehi saaraa ||

The self-willed manmukhs do not know the value of the Lord's Command.

hukmy mMny hukmy vifAweI hukmy vyprvwhw hy ]12]

hukamae mannae hukamae vaddiaaee hukamae vaeparavaahaa hae ||12||

By the Hukam of the Lord's Command, one is exalted; by His Hukam, one is glorified; by His Hukam, one becomes carefree. ||12||

gurprswdI hukmu pCwxY ]

gur parasaadhee hukam pashhaanai ||

By Guru's Grace, one recognizes the Lord's Hukam.

Dwvqu rwKY iekqu Gir AwxY ]

dhhaavath raakhai eikath ghar aanai ||

The wandering mind is restrained, and brought back to the home of the One Lord.

nwmy rwqw sdw bYrwgI nwmu rqnu min qwhw hy ]13]

aucwrx rwqw: Bwrw krky bolo

naamae raathaa sadhaa bairaagee naam rathan man thaahaa hae ||13||

Imbued with the Naam, one remains forever detached; the jewel of the Naam rests within the mind. ||13||

sB jg mih vrqY eyko soeI ]

sabh jag mehi varathai eaeko soee ||

The One Lord is pervasive throughout all the world.

gurprswdI prgtu hoeI ]

gur parasaadhee paragatt hoee ||

By Guru's Grace, He is revealed.

sbdu slwhih sy jn inrml inj Gir vwsw qwhw hy ]14]

sabadh salaahehi sae jan niramal nij ghar vaasaa thaahaa hae ||14||

Those humble beings who praise the Shabad are immaculate; they dwell within the home of their own inner self. ||14||

sdw Bgq qyrI srxweI ]

sadhaa bhagath thaeree saranaaee ||

The devotees abide forever in Your Sanctuary, Lord.

Agm Agocr kImiq nhI pweI ]

agam agochar keemath nehee paaee ||

You are inaccessible and unfathomable; Your value cannot be estimated.

ijau quDu Bwvih iqau qU rwKih gurmuiK nwmu iDAwhw hy ]15]

jio thudhh bhaavehi thio thoo raakhehi guramukh naam dhhiaahaa hae ||15||

As it pleases Your Will, You keep us; the Gurmukh meditates on the Naam. ||15||

sdw sdw qyry gux gwvw ]

sadhaa sadhaa thaerae gun gaavaa ||

Forever and ever, I sing Your Glorious Praises.

scy swihb qyrY min Bwvw ]

sachae saahib thaerai man bhaavaa ||

O my True Lord and Master, may I become pleasing to Your Mind.

nwnku swcu khY bynµqI scu dyvhu sic smwhw hy ]16]1]10]

naanak saach kehai baenanthee sach dhaevahu sach samaahaa hae ||16||1||10||

Nanak offers this true prayer: O Lord, please bless me with Truth, that I may merge in the Truth. ||16||1||10||