SGGSAng 1158Raag BhaironBhagat Kabir Jio10 linesBhagat Kabir Ji

mnu kir mkw ikblw kir dyhI ]

aucwrx m`kw

man kar makaa kibalaa kar dhaehee ||

Let your mind be Mecca, and your body the temple of worship.

bolnhwru prm guru eyhI ]1]

bolanehaar param gur eaehee ||1||

Let the Supreme Guru be the One who speaks. ||1||

khu ry mulW bWg invwj ]

aucwrx mu`lW

kahu rae mulaan baang nivaaj ||

O Mullah, utter the call to prayer.

eyk msIiq dsY drvwj ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx dsY: polw bolo

eaek maseeth dhasai dharavaaj ||1|| rehaao ||

The one mosque has ten doors. ||1||Pause||

imisimil qwmsu Brmu kdUrI ]

misimil thaamas bharam kadhooree ||

So slaughter your evil nature, doubt and cruelty;

BwiKly pMcY hoie sbUrI ]2]

bhaakh lae panchai hoe sabooree ||2||

Consume the five demons and you shall be blessed with contentment. ||2||

ihMdU qurk kw swihbu eyk ]

hindhoo thurak kaa saahib eaek ||

Hindus and Muslims have the same One Lord and Master.

kh krY mulW kh krY syK ]3]

aucwrx mu`lW

keh karai mulaan keh karai saekh ||3||

What can the Mullah do, and what can the Shaykh do? ||3||

kih kbIr hau BieAw idvwnw ]

kehi kabeer ho bhaeiaa dhivaanaa ||

Says Kabeer, I have gone insane.

muis muis mnUAw shij smwnw ]4]4]

mus mus manooaa sehaj samaanaa ||4||4||

Slaughtering, slaughtering my mind, I have merged into the Celestial Lord. ||4||4||