SGGSAng 1194Raag BasantKabir Ji14 linesBhagat Kabir Ji

nwieku eyku bnjwry pwc ]

naaeik eaek banajaarae paach ||

There is one merchant and five traders.

brD pcIsk sMgu kwc ]

aucwrx p-cIsk

baradhh pacheesak sang kaach ||

The twenty-five oxen carry false merchandise.

nau bhIAW ds goin Awih ]

no beheeaaan dhas gon aahi ||

There are nine poles which hold the ten bags.

ksin bhqir lwgI qwih ]1]

aucwrx ksin: polw bolo; bh`qir

kasan behathar laagee thaahi ||1||

The body is tied by the seventy-two ropes. ||1||

moih AYsy bnj isau nhIn kwju ]

aucwrx nhIn: iek`Tw bolo

mohi aisae banaj sio neheen kaaj ||

I don't care at all about such commerce.

ijh GtY mUlu inq bFY ibAwju ] rhwau ]

aucwrx GtY: polw bolo; bFY: polw bolo

jih ghattai mool nith badtai biaaj || rehaao ||

It depletes my capital, and the interest charges only increase. ||Pause||

swq sUq imil bnju kIn ]

saath sooth mil banaj keen ||

Weaving the seven threads together, they carry on their trade.

krm BwvnI sMg lIn ]

karam bhaavanee sang leen ||

They are led on by the karma of their past actions.

qIin jgwqI krq rwir ]

theen jagaathee karath raar ||

The three tax-collectors argue with them.

clo bnjwrw hwQ Jwir ]2]

chalo banajaaraa haathh jhaar ||2||

The traders depart empty-handed. ||2||

pUMjI ihrwnI bnju tUt ]

poonjee hiraanee banaj ttoott ||

Their capital is exhausted, and their trade is ruined.

dhids tWfo gieE PUit ]

dheh dhis ttaanddo gaeiou foott ||

The caravan is scattered in the ten directions.

kih kbIr mn srsI kwj ]

kehi kabeer man sarasee kaaj ||

Says Kabeer, O mortal, your tasks will be accomplished,

shj smwno q Brm Bwj ]3]6]

sehaj samaano th bharam bhaaj ||3||6||

When you merge in the Celestial Lord; let your doubts run away. ||3||6||