SGGSAng 779Raag SuhiChhant Mahalla 526 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

rwgu sUhI CMq mhlw 5 Gru 3

aucwrx rwgu sUhI Cµq mh`lw pMjvw Gru qIjw

raag soohee shhanth mehalaa 5 ghar 3

Raag Soohee, Chhant, Fifth Mehl, Third House:

<> siqgur pRswid ]

aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr

ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

qU Twkuro bYrwgro mY jyhI Gx cyrI rwm ]

thoo thaakuro bairaagaro mai jaehee ghan chaeree raam ||

O my Lord and Master, You are unattached; You have so many hand-maidens like me, Lord.

qUµ swgro rqnwgro hau swr n jwxw qyrI rwm ]

thoon saagaro rathanaagaro ho saar n jaanaa thaeree raam ||

You are the ocean, the source of jewels; I do not know Your value, Lord.

swr n jwxw qU vf dwxw kir imhrµmiq sWeI ]

saar n jaanaa thoo vadd dhaanaa kar miharanmath saanee ||

I do not know Your value; You are the wisest of all; please show Mercy unto me, O Lord.

ikrpw kIjY sw miq dIjY AwT phr quDu iDAweI ]

aucwrx m`iq

kirapaa keejai saa math dheejai aath pehar thudhh dhhiaaee ||

Show Your Mercy, and bless me with such understanding, that I may meditate on You, twenty-four hours a day.

grbu n kIjY ryx hovIjY qw giq jIAry qyrI ]

garab n keejai raen hoveejai thaa gath jeearae thaeree ||

O soul, don't be so arrogant - become the dust of all, and you shall be saved.

sB aUpir nwnk kw Twkuru mY jyhI Gx cyrI rwm ]1]

sabh oopar naanak kaa thaakur mai jaehee ghan chaeree raam ||1||

Nanak's Lord is the Master of all; He has so many hand-maidens like me. ||1||

qum@ gauhr Aiq gihr gMBIrw qum ipr hm bhurIAw rwm ]

aucwrx Aiq: polw bolo

thumh gouhar ath gehir ganbheeraa thum pir ham bahureeaa raam ||

Your depth is profound and utterly unfathomable; You are my Husband Lord, and I am Your bride.

qum vfy vfy vf aUcy hau ieqnIk lhurIAw rwm ]

thum vaddae vaddae vadd oochae ho eithaneek lahureeaa raam ||

You are the greatest of the great, exalted and lofty on high; I am infinitesimally small.

hau ikCu nwhI eyko qUhY Awpy Awip sujwnw ]

ho kishh naahee eaeko thoohai aapae aap sujaanaa ||

I am nothing; You are the One and only. You Yourself are All-knowing.

AMimRq idsit inmK pRB jIvw srb rMg rs mwnw ]

anmrith dhrisatt nimakh prabh jeevaa sarab rang ras maanaa ||

With just a momentary Glance of Your Grace, God, I live; I enjoy all pleasures and delights.

crxh srnI dwsh dwsI min maulY qnu hrIAw ]

charaneh saranee dhaaseh dhaasee man moulai than hareeaa ||

I seek the Sanctuary of Your Feet; I am the slave of Your slaves. My mind has blossomed forth, and my body is rejuvenated.

nwnk Twkuru srb smwxw Awpn Bwvn krIAw ]2]

naanak thaakur sarab samaanaa aapan bhaavan kareeaa ||2||

O Nanak, the Lord and Master is contained amongst all; He does just as He pleases. ||2||

quJu aUpir myrw hY mwxw qUhY myrw qwxw rwm ]

thujh oopar maeraa hai maanaa thoohai maeraa thaanaa raam ||

I take pride in You; You are my only Strength, Lord.

suriq miq cqurweI qyrI qU jwxwieih jwxw rwm ]

aucwrx m`iq

surath math chathuraaee thaeree thoo jaanaaeihi jaanaa raam ||

You are my understanding, intellect and knowledge. I know only what You cause me to know, Lord.

soeI jwxY soeI pCwxY jw kau ndir isrµdy ]

soee jaanai soee pashhaanai jaa ko nadhar sirandhae ||

He alone knows, and he alone understands, upon whom the Creator Lord bestows His Grace.

mnmuiK BUlI bhuqI rwhI PwQI mwieAw Pµdy ]

aucwrx Pµdy: 'd' nwl bolo

manamukh bhoolee bahuthee raahee faathhee maaeiaa fandhae ||

The self-willed manmukh wanders along many paths, and is trapped in the net of Maya.

Twkur BwxI sw guxvµqI iqnhI sB rMg mwxw ]

thaakur bhaanee saa gunavanthee thin hee sabh rang maanaa ||

She alone is virtuous, who is pleasing to her Lord and Master. She alone enjoys all the pleasures.

nwnk kI Dr qUhY Twkur qU nwnk kw mwxw ]3]

naanak kee dhhar thoohai thaakur thoo naanak kaa maanaa ||3||

You, O Lord, are Nanak's only support. You are Nanak's only pride. ||3||

hau vwrI vM\w GolI vM\w qU prbqu myrw El@w rwm ]

aucwrx vM\w: polw bolo

ho vaaree vannjaa gholee vannjaa thoo parabath maeraa oulhaa raam ||

I am a sacrifice, devoted and dedicated to You; You are my sheltering mountain, Lord.

hau bil jweI lK lK lK brIAw ijin BRmu prdw Kol@w rwm ]

ho bal jaaee lakh lakh lakh bareeaa jin bhram paradhaa kholhaa raam ||

I am a sacrifice, thousands, hundreds of thousands of times, to the Lord. He has torn away the veil of doubt;

imty AMDwry qjy ibkwry Twkur isau mnu mwnw ]

mittae andhhaarae thajae bikaarae thaakur sio man maanaa ||

Darkness has been eliminated, and I have renounced corruption and sin. My mind is reconciled with my Lord and Master.

pRB jI BwxI BeI inkwxI sPl jnmu prvwnw ]

prabh jee bhaanee bhee nikaanee safal janam paravaanaa ||

I have become pleasing to my Dear God, and I have become carefree. My life is fulfilled and approved.

BeI AmolI Bwrw qolI mukiq jugiq dru Kol@w ]

bhee amolee bhaaraa tholee mukath jugath dhar kholhaa ||

I have become invaluable, of tremendous weight and value. The Door, and the Path of liberation are open to me now.

khu nwnk hau inrBau hoeI so pRBu myrw El@w ]4]1]4]

kahu naanak ho nirabho hoee so prabh maeraa oulhaa ||4||1||4||

Says Nanak, I am fearless; God has become my Shelter and Shield. ||4||1||4||