sUhI mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx sUhI mh`lw pMjvw
soohee mehalaa 5 ||
Soohee, Fifth Mehl:
swjnu purKu siqguru myrw pUrw iqsu ibnu Avru n jwxw rwm ]
saajan purakh sathigur maeraa pooraa this bin avar n jaanaa raam ||
My Perfect True Guru is my Best Friend, the Primal Being. I do not know any other than Him, Lord.
mwq ipqw BweI suq bµDp jIA pRwx min Bwxw rwm ]
maath pithaa bhaaee suth bandhhap jeea praan man bhaanaa raam ||
He is my mother, father, sibling, child, relative, soul and breath of life. He is so pleasing to my mind, O Lord.
jIau ipMfu sBu iqs kw dIAw srb guxw BrpUry ]
jeeo pindd sabh this kaa dheeaa sarab gunaa bharapoorae ||
My body and soul are all His blessings. He is overflowing with every quality of virtue.
AMqrjwmI so pRBu myrw srb rihAw BrpUry ]
antharajaamee so prabh maeraa sarab rehiaa bharapoorae ||
My God is the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts. He is totally permeating and pervading everywhere.
qw kI srix srb suK pwey hoey srb kilAwxw ]
thaa kee saran sarab sukh paaeae hoeae sarab kaliaanaa ||
In His Sanctuary, I receive every comfort and pleasure. I am totally, completely happy.
sdw sdw pRB kau bilhwrY nwnk sd kurbwxw ]1]
sadhaa sadhaa prabh ko balihaarai naanak sadh kurabaanaa ||1||
Forever and ever, Nanak is a sacrifice to God, forever, a devoted sacrifice. ||1||
AYsw guru vfBwgI pweIAY ijqu imilAY pRBu jwpY rwm ]
aisaa gur vaddabhaagee paaeeai jith miliai prabh jaapai raam ||
By great good fortune, one finds such a Guru, meeting whom, the Lord God is known.
jnm jnm ky iklivK auqrih hir sMq DUVI inq nwpY rwm ]
aucwrx nwpY: 'n' Bwrw krky
janam janam kae kilavikh outharehi har santh dhhoorree nith naapai raam ||
The sins of countless lifetimes are erased, bathing continually in the dust of the feet of God's Saints.
hir DUVI nweIAY pRBU iDAweIAY bwhuiV join n AweIAY ]
aucwrx nweIAY: 'n' Bwrw krky bolo
har dhhoorree naaeeai prabhoo dhhiaaeeai baahurr jon n aaeeai ||
Bathing in the dust of the feet of the Lord, and meditating on God, you shall not have to enter into the womb of reincarnation again.
gur crxI lwgy BRm Bau Bwgy min icMidAw Plu pweIAY ]
gur charanee laagae bhram bho bhaagae man chindhiaa fal paaeeai ||
Grasping hold of the Guru's Feet, doubt and fear are dispelled, and you receive the fruits of your mind's desires.
hir gux inq gwey nwmu iDAwey iPir sogu nwhI sµqwpY ]
har gun nith gaaeae naam dhhiaaeae fir sog naahee santhaapai ||
Continually singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, and meditating on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, you shall no longer suffer in pain and sorrow.
nwnk so pRBu jIA kw dwqw pUrw ijsu prqwpY ]2]
naanak so prabh jeea kaa dhaathaa pooraa jis parathaapai ||2||
O Nanak, God is the Giver of all souls; His radiant glory is perfect! ||2||
hir hry hir gux inDy hir sMqn kY vis Awey rwm ]
aucwrx in`Dy
har harae har gun nidhhae har santhan kai vas aaeae raam ||
The Lord, Har, Har, is the treasure of virtue; the Lord is under the power of His Saints.
sMq crx gur syvw lwgy iqn@I prmpd pwey rwm ]
santh charan gur saevaa laagae thinee param padh paaeae raam ||
Those who are dedicated to the feet of the Saints, and to serving the Guru, obtain the supreme status, O Lord.
prmpdu pwieAw Awpu imtwieAw hir pUrn ikrpw DwrI ]
param padh paaeiaa aap mittaaeiaa har pooran kirapaa dhhaaree ||
They obtain the supreme status, and eradicate self-conceit; the Perfect Lord showers His Grace upon them.
sPl jnmu hoAw Bau Bwgw hir ByitAw eyku murwrI ]
safal janam hoaa bho bhaagaa har bhaettiaa eaek muraaree ||
Their lives are fruitful, their fears are dispelled, and they meet the One Lord, the Destroyer of ego.
ijskw sw iqnhI myil lIAw joqI joiq smwieAw ]
jis kaa saa thin hee mael leeaa jothee joth samaaeiaa ||
He blends into the One, to whom he belongs; his light merges into the Light.
nwnk nwmu inrµjn jpIAY imil siqgur suKu pwieAw ]3]
naanak naam niranjan japeeai mil sathigur sukh paaeiaa ||3||
O Nanak, chant the Naam, the Name of the Immaculate Lord; meeting the True Guru, peace is obtained. ||3||
gwau mMglo inq hirjnhu puMnI ieC sbweI rwm ]
gaao mangalo nith har janahu punnee eishh sabaaee raam ||
Sing continually the songs of joy, O humble beings of the Lord; all your desires shall be fulfilled.
rµig rqy Apuny suAwmI syqI mrY n AwvY jweI rwm ]
aucwrx r`qy
rang rathae apunae suaamee saethee marai n aavai jaaee raam ||
Those who are imbued with the Love of their Lord and Master do not die, or come or go in reincarnation.
AibnwsI pwieAw nwmu iDAwieAw sgl mnorQ pwey ]
abinaasee paaeiaa naam dhhiaaeiaa sagal manorathh paaeae ||
The Imperishable Lord is obtained, meditating on the Naam, and all one's wishes are fulfilled.
sWiq shj Awnµd Gnyry gur crxI mnu lwey ]
saanth sehaj aanandh ghanaerae gur charanee man laaeae ||
Peace, poise, and all ecstasy are obtained, attaching one's mind to the Guru's feet.
pUir rihAw Git Git AibnwsI Qwn Qnµqir sweI ]
aucwrx sWeI: ibMdI sihq bolo
poor rehiaa ghatt ghatt abinaasee thhaan thhananthar saaee ||
The Imperishable Lord is permeating and pervading each and every heart; He is in all places and interspaces.
khu nwnk kwrj sgly pUry gur crxI mnu lweI ]4]2]5]
kahu naanak kaaraj sagalae poorae gur charanee man laaee ||4||2||5||
Says Nanak, all affairs are perfectly resolved, focusing one's mind on the Guru's Feet. ||4||2||5||